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So he did considerable experimenting with it while he waited for Gess Fayle to show up and League Headquarters fidgeted around, hoping to get the kind of report from Mantelish and Fayle that Mantelish thought they'd already received. They were wondering where Fayle was, too. But they knew Fayle was Security, so they didn't like to get too nosy." Trigger shook her head. "Wonderful!

Gess Fayle: Lyad had been looking for Doctor Fayle as earnestly as everyone else after his disappearance. She had not been able to buy him. So far as she knew, nobody had been able to buy him. Doctor Fayle had appeared to intend to work for himself. He was at present well outside the Hub's area of space. He still had 112-113 with him.

I went over today to see him, he was setting in a rocking chair by the stove with his head rapped up in a towel. i sent Beany a valentine today. he dident send me one but i gess it was because he was sick. Feb. 15. brite and fair. Beany is better today. i went over and split his kindlings for him. Feb. 16. brite and fair and buly snowballing.

Aug. 19. prety hot today. i went in swiming 5 times. sumthing is the matter with my eyes i keep winking them all the time. father keeps saying stop batting your eyes. i gess it is becaus i keep opening my eyes under water to see things on bottum. father says if i dont stop it i shant go in swiming enny more. Aug. 20. it raned this morning so hard that i dident have to go to church. buly.

Jan. 29. Brite and fair. it aint the feller whitch can swear the feerfullest whitch is the best fiter. i went to church and sunday school today. Jan. 30. Brite and fair. Johnny Kelly can lick enny feller on Court or South Street and he can swear auful two. i gess most of the fellers is scart of him becaus he can swear so. i aint scart of him. Jan. 31.

Charlie is never going to speak to me again. May 7. Beany was pretty mad when I told him about the fite because he dident see it. i gess he will find it don't pay to get mad with me. i saw Charlie today but he dident speak. he has got a black eye. Cris has got a funny looking nose on one side. May 8. Chitter Robinson went in swiming today. i bet it was cold. May 9.

Nellie kicked me today. i gess i scrached her today to hard with the curycomb. it dident hurt me much. i went in swimming twise. June 12. brite and fair. Me and Chick Chickering went bullfroging today, we got 3 dozen hind legs and sold them to Mr. Hirvey for 30 cents and took our pay in icecream. June 13.

April 7. One of Beanys warts has gone. April 8. brite and fair. my warts have not gone. April 9. brite and fair. my warts have not gone. April 10. Clowdy but no rane. my warts have not gone. April 11. rany. i have got 2 more warts. i gess i hadent ought to have broke that gaslite. April 12. i have got another.

July 22. brite and fair and hot as time. Pewt thinks he is going to beat me swiming. i gess he will find out. July 23. today was sunday and i coodent practise swiming or diving, darn it.

"Or drinks from you either, Trigger Argee!" he growled. "Who in the great spiraling galaxy is there left to trust!" "Sorry, Professor," Trigger said meekly. In half an hour or so, he calmed down enough to join the others in the lounge, to get the final story on Gess Fayle and the missing king plasmoid from the Ermetyne.