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She can go her own way; and I will go mine. I shant want to visit her; and I dont suppose she will visit me. So she need trouble herself no more than if there was no such person as I in the world." "But you will find that it will be greatly to your advantage to leave this house. It is not our intention that you shall suffer in a pecuniary point of view by doing so. My father is rich "

"Why, yes I say yes," he replied; and then, more gravely: "I think it'll be very pleasant to share a secret with you, Miss Farrell. I shant say a word to any one, until I have to." As events turned he had no need to mention the incident until the morning of the seventh day following the girl's departure.

I only made a little pone las' night; thar's some left fer you. Shant I fix ye some 'fore dad wakes up?" But there was no answer to his pleading, and, ceasing his efforts, the lad sank on his knees by the rude bed, not daring even to give open expression to his grief lest he arouse the drunken sleeper by the fireplace.

But," continued the dying man, slowly and feebly, "it aren't to thank yez as I wanted ye but to give yez something in trust for Miss Hermy ye see, sorr, I shant be here when she comes back to-night, I'll be with little Maggie when the hour strikes my little Maggie! Norah, wife give it to him." Silently Mrs.

"Say, what are these blue stones in here?" queried Katie, turning the locket curiously. "Turquoises," Polly answered, eyeing with fear Katie's rough handling. "Whose picture is this?" was the next question. "Stop, you Gregory you'll break it! Mamma, shant' he stop pulling it so?" "Yes, Gregory, you just wait, like a good boy, till your sister's seen it; then you can take it." Polly trembled.

"I guess we sha'n't have to shoot much," said the policeman, still swinging his locust. "Anyway, we shant begin it. If it comes to a fight, though," he said, with a look at the men under the scooping rim of his helmet, "we can drive the whole six thousand of 'em into the East River without pullin' a trigger." "Are there six thousand in it?" "About." "What do the infernal fools expect to live on?"

Feb. 11. brite and fair. i shant forget last Sunday very soon. Feb. 12. rany today. i dont care becaus i havent got to saw enny more wood. Feb. 13. still rany. i dont care. Feb. 14. pretty cold today. going to have a new kind of speling mach tomorrow. Feb. 15.

"Everybody knows you're a kind man, and as generous as you're rich, Mr. Armstrong;" at last she said, "But I guess I shant want anything long in this world." "I hope you may live long yet," said Mr. Armstrong, "for the sake of the little boys." This allusion recalled her more to herself, and without looking at the paper she put it into her bosom.

He admitted that there wasn't any sort of an existing contract or agreement of any sort, even oral, between you, but just the same you'd been so good to him and his girl that he'd made up his mind some time ago, I gather to make you a present of the burner; but naturally he forgot to tell you about an insignificant detail like that." "Of course that's nonsense; I wouldn't and shant accept."

'P.S. I can't conclude without declaring once for all that I shant walk but in the old course, that is, not to act now with any other but Mr. 'To Mr. Tamas Jones, at Mr. Chelburn's a Chymist, in Scherwood Street, Golden Square, London. To exaggerate his own importance, Pickle gave here a glowing account of the Prince's prospects. These were really of the most gloomy character.