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"But I love Gertrudis," said Kirk, desperately. Garavel looked a trifle pitying. "You are by no means the first," he said; "I have been besieged by many, who say always the same thing without Gertrudis they cannot, they will not, they should not live. And yet I have heard of no deaths.

At a few minutes before nine the Senora Arguello, clad in her best black skirt and jacket, a red shawl embroidered with yellow draped over her bust with unconquerable grace, and a black reboso folded about her fine proud head, rode down to the beach with Ana Paula on the aquera behind and Gertrudis Rudisinda on her arm.

Darwin K. Anthony exclaimed, gruffly. "Where's that girl?" He paused and let his hostile eyes rest upon Gertrudis. She saw a great, forbidding giant of a man scowling down at her with eyes like Kirk's, and she came forward timidly, holding out her hands. She was smiling up at him faintly. "You are Keerk's father, yes? You are the Senor Antonio." Mr.

"Oh, I'm fine can hold my own now, I think; thanks to Texas. That's a great country you've got down there." Blue Bonnet beamed with pleasure. "Isn't it, though! Is Benita well?" "Fine." "How's Uncle Joe's rheumatism?" "Better, I guess. Haven't heard him complain." "Then it is better," Blue Bonnet said. "And old Gertrudis and Juanita? How are they?" "Fine all of them."

"I feel as if I never could eat another mouthful as long as I live," Blue Bonnet declared as she rose from the table. "That's just the way I used to feel last summer on the ranch after one of old Gertrudis' meals," Kitty said. Amanda's aunt suggested a run down the lane. Down the lane they ran, laughing and calling; old Shep, stirred from his usual calm, barking and bounding at their heels.

Alfarez turned dazed eyes from the door through which Gertrudis had gone. "Proof? I believe so. I have not thought much of the matter as yet, but I think there will be proof in plenty. Oh yes!" "Come then. I must go to see him. Perhaps oh, God! Perhaps what? My head is afire, my heart is broken for you, my poor boy." That was not a pleasant interview for Anthony.

But now, since he saw that the jackanapes had the audacity to love Gertrudis, his feeling became intense. The girl, of course, was fully alive to the situation, and, although she evidently enjoyed it, she did her best to stand between the two men. As for Alfarez, he was quick to feel the sudden fierce hostility he had aroused, and it seemed to make him nervous.

Her poems have found their way into the anthologies of universal poesy. The most distinguished Spanish poetess of the nineteenth century, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, was a Cuban by birth, going later to Spain, where she was readily received as one of the nation's leading literary lights.

Dona Ignacia murmured an audible prayer, and clutched Gertrudis Rudisinda to her breast. "Madre de Dios! The water! I cannot!" she muttered. But Santiago took her firmly by one elbow, Sturgis by the other, Davidov caught up the children with a reassuring laugh, and in a moment she was trembling in the middle of the canoe.

Now that I know you love me, I have the courage to face anything, and I am going to win you, Chiquita. I have never lost in all my life, and I don't intend to begin now. I'll see your father in the morning, and I'll be here again, to-morrow night " But at this Gertrudis cried out: "No, no! I cannot meet you again in this manner." And Stephanie nodded her agreement.