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When he goes down the street singing 'Gladly and merrily Live to-day cheerily, Black care and sorrow Leave till to-morrow, it goes right to my heart, and I could sing too for very joy. No one can help loving him." Gertrude listened with sunshine in her face to these words of praise, but a little cloud of anxiety shadowed her eyes as she said,

Having some experience in these matters, I should say this farm was excellently managed." In place of answering, Gertrude watched the rancher. The physical perfection of the man had an effect on her, though she was essentially prudish. "I ought to drive in to the settlement and send off a cablegram, though I expect it will be difficult to get a team," Jernyngham resumed, returning to his letter.

Gertrude approached, laid her hand kindly upon the head of the poor girl, and finished the sentence for her. "You have such a large heart, Kitty, that he found some place there, perhaps; but it is too good a heart to be shared by the mean and base. You must think no more of him he is not worthy of your regard." "I can't help it," said Kitty; "I am silly, just as he said."

Then wouldn't I have been in a pretty pickle? Clean beat! Well, I suppose there's something or other the matter with all these plans?" "Yes," said Susan, "they're all faulty." "I don't see any fault in this one, Susie," said Gertrude. "That one has the kitchen chimney in the pantry," Susan explained. "Dear me! that would never do," said the mother. "Of all things, I dote on a cool pantry.

Months passed without my hearing anything of Gertrude, till one day she sent me a little present, and in response to a letter she invited me to come to see her in the country. And, walking through some beautiful woods, she told me the reason why she had not gone to Lincoln.

But, grandfather, says GERTRUDE, tell us some more things that were different when you were a boy. Well, let me see, GRANDFATHER says, and stops for a moment to think. Then he goes on. There were the brownies. I haven't said anything about them, have I? The brownies? exclaims WALTER, his eyes big with interest. What about the brownies?

Phillips. When Gertrude went to her room after dinner, which she did as soon as she had seen Emily comfortably established in the drawing-room in conversation with Madam Gryseworth, she found there a beautiful bouquet of the choicest flowers, which the chamber-maid said she had been commissioned to deliver to herself.

City refinement is different from country refinement." "Refinement isn't a thing that you can worry about," Gertrude began slowly. She realized perhaps better than any of the others, being a better balanced, healthier creature than either Beulah or Margaret, that there were serious defects in the scheme of cooperative parentage.

"Are we very sure that we need a foreign house?" Mr. Wentworth inquired. "Do you think it desirable to establish a foreign house in this quiet place?" "You speak," said Acton, laughing, "as if it were a question of the poor Baroness opening a wine-shop or a gaming-table." "It would be too lovely!" Gertrude declared again, laying her hand on the back of her father's chair.

Gertrude continued during the remainder of the evening in an elevated frame of mind, and she was able to go back to the drawing-room for Emily, say good night to her friends with a cheerful voice, and before midnight she sought her pillow and went quietly to sleep. But this calmness of mind, however, was the result of strong excitement, and therefore could not last.