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From all this he returned with a feeling of delight to his personal longing for Susan Brundon; he saw her bowed over the table in an exhaustion almost an attitude of surrender. A slender, pliable figure in soft merino and lace. He saw her beyond the candles of Graham Jannan's supper table, a rose geranium at her breast.

Like the birds and the flowers, she seemed to recover her beauty and joyousness in the morning sunshine. She tripped lightly out onto the lawn, gathering a last lingering rosebud here and there, and a sprig or two of geranium, and returning through the dewy grass, warbling long cadences for very happiness of heart, and looking as fresh and radiant as the flowers in her hands.

To-day she had contrived to pick up some geranium blossoms, scarlet and pink. "Who has she got hold of there?" exclaimed Mr. Galloway. "He does not seem to like it." Arthur burst into laughter when he discovered that it was Harper, the lay-clerk.

In fig. 15 you have an exquisite group of rose-stems, with the flowers and buds; in fig. 16, various wild weeds, especially the Geranium pratense; in every case you have an approximation to a natural form, and an unceasing variety of suggestion. But how much of Nature have you in your Greek buildings?

The Nyctanthes, called Arabian Jasmine, is another flower, which expands a beautiful corol, and gives out a most delicate perfume during the night, and not in the day, in its native country, whence its name; botanical philosophers have not yet explained this wonderful property; perhaps the plant sleeps during the day as some animals do; and its odoriferous glands only emit their fragrance during the expansion of the petals; that is, during its waking hours: the Geranium triste has the same property of giving up its fragrance only in the night.

So that when the elder lady entered, Elfride made some pretence of perceiving a new variety of crimson geranium, and lingered behind among the flower beds. There was nothing gained by this, after all, she thought; and a few minutes after boldly came into the house by the glass side-door. She walked along the corridor, and entered the drawing-room. Nobody was there.

Indeed, before I was aware, she ran into the parlor, and, as it was quite dark, I tumbled over her." "And broke the geranium tree," added his father. "Yes, I did indeed," said Dicky, "but I did not go to do it. After that I turned Juno into the yard, and this I dare say is all the noise you heard." "There is an old saying, my dear little friends," said Mr.

They stood staring at each other in the steamy heat, redolent of the mushy scent of earth, of potted geranium, and of vines coming along fast. "This is crazy," said Soames at last, between dry lips. Scarcely moving her own, she murmured: "Don't be angry, Father. I can't help it." But she could see he wasn't angry; only scared, deeply scared.

Wordsworth's to Rydal Mount and I want you to ask for yourself, and then to send to me in a letter by the post, I mean, two cuttings out of the garden of myrtle or geranium; I care very little which, or what else. Only I say 'myrtle' because it is less given to die and I say two to be sure of my chances of saving one. Will you?

Milt aint no sweet-scented geranium but's out fer all the simoleons he can pick off the little old Mazuma Tree, why, I on'y says what I reads an' hears, believe me. You bein' his nephew aint changin' public opinion none. See?" Kendrick's anger at this brazenness had prevented him from thinking clearly.