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Milors and gentlemans, I feel dat I can perspire to no greatare honneur dan to be von common scoundrelman myself; but, helas! dat plaisir are not for me, as I are not freeman of your great cite, not von liveryman servant of von of you compagnies joint-stock. But I must not forget de toast. Milors and Gentlemans!

The place upon the whole put me very much in mind of an Andalusian village overhung by its sierra. "Where is the inn?" said I to my companion. "Yonder it be;" said he pointing to a large house at the farther end of the market-place. "Very good inn that Talbot Arms where they are always glad to see English gentlemans."

"Vraiment, ma chere Madame EEL-sun, there is no sacrifice I would not make to procure you one. I am desole it should be impossible. I have been looking; but all the tabourets and chair are taken by ladies and gentlemans. You have a drole de maniere of travel in this countree; so many people together, the ladies must be victimes sometime." "Oh, no; you don't know how to manage, that is all.

"I would fight with proadswords, and sink point on the first plood drawn like a gentlemans." A loud shout of laughter followed the proposal, which indeed had rather escaped from poor Robin's swelling heart, than been the dictate of his sober judgment. "Gentleman, quotha!" was echoed on all sides, with a shout of unextinguishable laughter; "a very pretty gentleman, God wot.

And then he called his maid which was named Fotis, and said, Carry this Gentlemans packet into the chamber, and lay it up safely, and bring water quickly to wash him, and a towel to rub him, and other things necessary, and then bring him to the next Baines, for I know that he is very weary of travell.

He heard a sound, almost as if a soft-footed animal were padding towards him. "My gentlemans, the Noobian peoples waitin' for what you say to the nice lady." Isaacson got up and looked over the rail. Below lay a white felucca containing two sailors, splendidly handsome black men, who were squatting on their haunches and smoking cigarettes.

It was Hassan's eternal voice. Isaacson jerked himself up from the rail. "Ask if the lady expected an answer," he said. "They don't speak English, I suppose?" "No, my gentlemans." He spoke in Arabic. A sailor replied. Hamza always prayed. "The lady him say p'raps you writin' somethin'." "Very well." Isaacson sat down, took a pen and paper. But what should be his answer? He read Mrs.

"My friend Mr. Oldbuck will now be prepared, Mr. Dousterswivel, to listen with more respect to the stories you have told us of the late discoveries in Germany by the brethren of your association." "Ah, Sir Arthur, that was not a thing to speak to those gentlemans, because it is want of credulity what you call faith that spoils the great enterprise."

The spool was swung back, the kitten began again hitting at it, solemnly the professor counted to twenty, and whisked the spool away. "Twenty year. Correc'. "You see, ladees and gentlemans, ze venerable cat he cannot make mistake," he observed amid laughing applause. "Now Tom, tell some odder ting. How old is ze chairman?" indicating the dignified elderly man at the farther end of the platform.

"Ladees and gentlemans. Ze chairman have spoke. I am Mahmoud Click, ze great seer, ze great mind-read, ze great bump-read, ze great profess. "An' also have I bring for do ze magic pass," thrusting a hand within his robe, "Tom ze Terrible, ze son of Tom, ze son of Tom." The hand reappeared, and placed on the table a tiny black kitten.