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She made some three or four gasps before she could get it out; and, when she had uttered it, pressed her hand upon her side, and turned up her eyes, as if she were going to faint away.

At the same moment the thing that had given tongue to the cry moved from the concealing brushwood far enough for us, too, to see it. Both Taylor and Snider gave little gasps of astonishment and dismay. "What is it, sir?" asked the latter.

"I I I fal falled in an' an' I's all all wetted!" wailed Trouble, his breath coming in gasps because of his crying, which he had partly stopped on seeing his brother and sister. "I failed in de spwing, I did!" "What made you?" asked Ted, while Jan tried to wring some of the water out of the little fellow's waist and rompers. "I wanted to get de pail full for mamma."

As I spoke the mysterious vital spark in the man began to revive, and ere long the quivering eyelids and short fitful gasps indicated that "Uncle John," as the coxswain of the lifeboat was styled by the household, had recovered. We gave him a teaspoonful or two of hot coffee when he was able to swallow, and then prepared to take our leave.

But she could not speak of these things to Lady Scrope; and finding her favourite irresponsive and reserved, the dame shrugged her shoulders and passed on to another room, where the children were soon heard to utter shrieks and gasps of mingled delight and terror at the stories she told them, which stories invariably fascinated them to an extraordinary degree, yet left them with a sense of undefined horror that was half delightful, half terrible.

The afternoon wore on, and, almost before the children realized it the hour for supper had arrived. They were not sorry, either, for they all had good appetites. "Come into the dining room, children," invited Mrs. Bobbsey. And Oh! such gasps of pleased surprise as were heard when the children saw what had been prepared for them! For Mr. and Mrs.

See to your Larger Catechism, David Question 76." Throughout this conversation speech had been becoming more and more painful to him. The last words were uttered in gasps of unconquerable agony, and a mortal spasm gave a terrible emphasis to this spiritual conviction. When it had passed he whispered faintly, "The pains of hell get hold on me on my body, David; they cannot touch my soul.

Then suddenly he reached blindly for a rock, and staggered to his feet, but the figures had disappeared in the darkness. He sat down again, while his breath came in short, hard gasps. It was a lie! His mother was not bad! He knew she was good. He wanted to shriek it to the world. But even as he passionately defended her to himself, fears assailed him.

It was made, and she was ruined. She repeated the words between little gasps for breath. Ruined! Her reputation lost! Hers Violet Newhaven's. It was a sheer impossibility that such a thing could have happened to a woman like her. It was some vile slander which Edward must see to. He was good at that sort of thing. But no, Edward would not help her.

He said ironically, with gasps between the words: "Thank you... chaps. You... are nice... and... quiet... you are! Yelling so... before... the door...." He made a longer pause, during which he worked his ribs in an exaggerated labour of breathing. It was intolerable. Feet were shuffled.