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Before I could form a guess a faint flash of phosphorescent light, which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of a man, flickered in the sleeping water with the elusive, silent play of summer lightning in a night sky. With a gasp I saw revealed to my stare a pair of feet, the long legs, a broad livid back immersed right up to the neck in a greenish cadaverous glow.

When that woman was in full fascination it made me gasp. I choked for a breath of fresh air; for a taste of spring-water; for Lurella!" It was a long time since Staniford had used this name, and the sound of it made him laugh. "It's droll but I always think of her as Lurella; I wish it was her name! Why, it was like heaven to see her face when I got back to the ship.

Might as well be three thousand so far as I'm concerned." "Where did you hear of it?" "Club." Charlie belonged to a little club in Savile Place where young warriors told each other what they thought of the nature of society. Mr. Prohack drew in his breath with an involuntary gasp, and then said: "I expect I could let you have three hundred." "You couldn't!" "I expect I could." Mr.

There was a snarl and a gasp and the magnificent canine fell over on her side. Leaping forward, the detective held the atomizer at the dog's nostrils and used it vigorously for a few seconds. It was more than sufficient for his purpose and soon the animal stiffened out in death. "It's a shame to kill so fine a brute, but it can't be helped," he muttered as he restored the atomizer to his pocket.

So deep was he in contemplation of the things before him and his own holy thoughts that he did not hear a soft sound behind him, the fall of a light step. A breath that was half a gasp turned him on his heel. Leaning through the parted curtain of the hanging vines, one hand at her throat, the other holding three candles, and her dark eyes wide above her thinned brown cheeks, she stood herself.

He knew that she would try to persuade him to stay, and he felt faint-hearted when he thought of her. "She would sit up early and late, and work for me to the last gasp," he thought, "but father was right. It is selfish of me to take it," and so he sat trying to fashion his parting note into a tone of cheerfulness.

"I guess I wouldn't go very fur into pertic'lers," said Mrs. Bixbee in a warning tone. David bent his head down over his plate and shook from head to foot, and it was nearly a minute before he was able to go on. "Wa'al," he said, "I heard Polly give a kind of a gasp an' a snort, 's if some one 'd throwed water 'n her face. But she didn't say nothin', an', I swan!

Of course Unc' Billy sank into it almost up to his middle at every step. He huffed and he puffed and he grunted and groaned. You see Unc' Billy had slept so much through the winter that he was not at all used to hard work of any kind, and he wasn't half way to the Green Forest before he was so tired it seemed to him that he could hardly move, and so out of breath that he could only gasp.

That was the question she asked herself, with a little sobbing gasp what was she, trading thus, even in thought, on her bruised and wearied body? What had she fallen to, what was it that had deadened all that was softer and better and purer within her, that she could thus see slip away from her the last solace and dignity of her womanhood?

As he approached the creature which stood now behind a large, flat-topped pedestal beside the alcove, he saw lying upon the smooth surface something that almost elicited a gasp of astonishment from him a simple, common thing it was, or would have been almost anywhere in the world but Caspak a square bit of paper! And on it, in a fine hand, written compactly, were many strange hieroglyphics!