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Colonel Cox, crimson with anger, roared: "If you delay another moment the blood of Gansevoort's men be on your head!" Then, in the tumult, a voice called out: "He's a Tory! We are betrayed!" And Colonel Cox shouted: "He dares not march! He is a coward!" White to the lips, the old man sprang from his chair, narrow eyes ablaze, hands trembling.

Leger sent a written demand, the reply to which contained the emphatic statement that it was Colonel Gansevoort's determined resolution with the force under his command, to defend the fort to the last extremity. We learned also, through different friendly visits which were paid to Joseph Brant by the officers, that General St.

But our veteran rifle battalion did not stir, although all the other regular regiments had marched to Otsego; and Colonel Gansevoort's 3rd N. Y. Regiment of the Line, which was now under orders to remain and guard the Valley, had not yet returned, although early in the week an Oneida runner had come in with letters for Mrs. Bleecker and Mrs.

He could not hope that those in the fort, closely besieged as they were, would be willing to make a desperate venture in order to aid three men, when so many hundred were in peril, and, even though the chances might be in favor of Colonel Gansevoort's being ready to make a sortie in our behalf, they were decidedly against Jacob's being able to communicate with the garrison.

We lodge at a neat, quiet widow's, near the Recorder Gansevoort's. Sill invited us very friendly. Affectionately, Albany, 24th October, 1783. With what pleasure have I feasted for three days past upon the letters I was to receive this evening. I was engaged in court when the stage passed.

"'This was accomplished by a scout of sixteen Tories of Colonel John Butler's command and two savages, Mohawks, all under direction of Captain Walter Butler. "This, sir, is a revised copy of Colonel Gansevoort's letter to Colonel Van Schaick.

A foot regiment Colonel Gansevoort's had struck tents and marched with its drums and colours early that morning, carrying also the regimental wagons and batteaux. However, I had been told that this veteran regiment was not to go with the army into the Iroquois country, but was to remain as a protection to Tryon County.

And now it was two o'clock in the afternoon; Sir George had already set out with Magdalen Brant to Varicks' by way of Stoner's; Elerson and Mount stood by the door, waiting to pilot me towards Gansevoort's distant outposts; the noon sunshine filled the deserted house and fell across the table where I sat, reading over my instructions from Schuyler ere I committed the paper to the flames.

If, for any reason, you find these orders impossible of execution, send your report of the False-Faces' council through Sir George Covert, and push forward with the riflemen Mount, Murphy, and Elerson until you are in touch with Gansevoort's outposts at Stanwix. Warn Colonel Gansevoort that Colonel Barry St. Leger has moved from Oswego, and order out a strong scout towards Fort Niagara.

We lodge at a neat, quiet widow's, near the Recorder Gansevoort's. Sill invited us very friendly. Affectionately, Albany, 24th October, 1783. With what pleasure have I feasted for three days past upon the letters I was to receive this evening. I was engaged in court when the stage passed.