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Tenesmus, diarrhoea, the motions containing blood and mucus. Dysuria, with passage of small amounts of albuminous and bloody urine. Peritonitis, high temperature, quick pulse, headache, loss of sensibility, and convulsions. Post-Mortem. Gastro-intestinal mucous membrane inflamed, with gangrenous patches. Genito-urinary tract inflamed. Acute nephritis. Treatment. Tests.

He was a French tirailleur a lad about twenty, his right arm had been severely injured by shrapnel several days before, and was gangrenous right up to the shoulder. He was unconscious and moaning slightly at intervals, but he stood the operation very well, and we left him fairly comfortable when we had to return to the hospital.

On examining the inflamed spot over the left ilium, I detected fluctuation over the anterior part of the crest of the ilium, near the gangrenous spot, and extending down over the abdomen. However, it seemed to be superficial, at least, not deeper than the connective tissue between the external and internal oblique muscles, and not more than one inch by two in size.

At the seventeenth year the patient began to have a left-sided headache and increased sweating of the right half of the body. In 1892 the periodically-appearing skin-affection became worse. Instead of healing, the broken vessels became blackish and healed slowly, leaving ulcers, granulations, and scars, and the gangrenous tendency of the skin increased.

On baring her body, they found that it, too, was marked, though less closely, with the same gangrenous spots, somewhat duller in colour. Her body was swollen. Death might have resulted from choking in a moment when she fell into a faint unobserved by any of her companions.

Sometimes all four extremities are involved, as in Southey's case, in a girl of two and a half in whom the process began on the calves, after a slight feverish attack, and then numerous patches rapidly becoming gangrenous appeared on the backs of the legs, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms, worse where there was pressure; the child died thirty-two hours after the onset.

Visited civilian hospitals Nov. 16th, which were in a most horrible state. No ventilation and practically all with Spanish influenza and, in addition, many with gangrenous wounds. Tried to enlighten the Russian doctor in charge with the fact that fresh air would be beneficial to his cases. But he seemed to think I was entirely out of my sphere and ignored what I said.

On the table lay a man with a shattered gangrenous knee. He received gas and became unconscious, but, just as the bone was being sawn through, he regained his senses. His face was ashen pale and the sweat ran down it in big drops. He was too weak to struggle, but his eyes were staring in a way that was terrible to see.

It is elevated from its base between the maxillary bones, and on the side and towards the base of it are seen large vesicles, pellucid, red, livid, or purple; and, if the discharge is fetid, having near their bases ulcers, irregular, unhealthy, and gangrenous. In the horse and the dog the progress of the disease is slow, and seldom extends beyond the sides of the tongue.

The results of the treatment of wounds in the hospital were of the most unsatisfactory character, from this neglect of cleanliness, in the dressings and wounds themselves, as well as from various other causes which will be more fully considered. I saw several gangrenous wounds filled with maggots.