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In each glance an experienced gamester acknowledged a worthy opponent. "Why, then you must come with me into Cocaigne," says Anaitis, "and see if you cannot discover wherein lies that difference. For it is not a matter I would care to leave unsettled." "Well, that seems only just to you," says Jurgen. "Yes, certainly I must deal fairly with you."

Whilst you deny me, you receive this fellow Blake a London night-scourer, a broken gamester who has given his creditors leg-bail, and who woos you that with your fortune he may close the doors of the debtor's gaol that's open to receive him." "This is unworthy in you," she exclaimed, her tone indignant so indignant that he experienced his first pang of jealousy.

Most assuredly, unless you have the courage to retrieve it. I'll set it at a Throw, or any way: what say you, Gentlemen? Sir Feeb. Ods bobs, you young Fellows are too hard for us every way, and I'm engag'd at an old Game with a new Gamester here, who will require all an old Man's stock. L. Ful. Come, Cousin, will you venture a Guinea? Come, Mr. Bredwel. Gay.

Thus, though a gamester at heart, he never touched a card, for he considered his position did not allow him as he said "to risk the necessary in the hope of winning the superfluous," yet he would sit for nights together at the card table and follow with feverish anxiety the different turns of the game.

The only amusement in which Henri IV indulged freely and earnestly was play; and he was so reckless a gamester, that at no period has the Court of France been so thoroughly demoralized by that frightful vice as throughout his reign. Not only did his own example corrupt those immediately about him, but the rage for gaming gradually pervaded all classes.

If you are disposed to make the attempt, I will supply you with the means, and show you the way." It was a characteristically bold reply, revealing to us the utter gamester that he was in all things. He knew that Balbi's cell was situated immediately under the leads, and he hoped that once in it he should be able readily to find a way through the roof.

There was no noticeable interruption to the game, and when the final card came gliding forth from the silver box, the imperturbable gamester turned deliberately away from the table, heedless of the desperate struggle about him, the curses and uproar, and faced the younger man still leaning against the wall. "Mr. Winston?" he questioned quietly.

But it won't do; he catches every blow close by the basket, and though he is rather stiff in his returns, after a minute walks Joe about the stage, and is clearly a stanch old gamester. Joe now comes in, and making the most of his height, tries to get over the old man's guard at half-stick, by which he takes a smart blow in the ribs and another on the elbow, and nothing more.

I'm sure as civil as he is, he helps him to steal my Gold, I doubt and to be sure Gentlemen, you say he's a Gamester I desire when he comes anon, that you wou'd propose to sport a Dye, or so and we'll fall to play for a Teaster, or the like and if he sets any money, I shall go near to know my own Gold, by some remarkable Pieces amongst it; and if he have it, I'll hang him, and then all his six hundred a Year will be my own, which I have in Mortgage.

He is a gamester who throws at all ladies that are set him, but is always out, and never wins but when he throws at the candlestick, that is, for nothing; a general lover, that addresses unto all but never gains any, as universals produce nothing. He never appears so gallant a man as when he is in the head of a body of ladies and leads them up with admirable skill and conduct.