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And she had found that the girls, instead of laughing at her, envied her because Dana King had so gallantly come to her rescue! "You should have seen Isobel Westley's face she was furious," Ginny Cox had confided to her. And Jerry would not have been human if she had not felt a momentary thrill of satisfied revenge.

Harrington's entertainment at the Town Hall this evening, Ben?" she asked, after they had interchanged greetings. "I should like to go," answered Ben, "but I am afraid I can't be spared from the store. Shall you go?" "I wouldn't miss it for anything. I hope I shall see you there." "I shall want to go all the more then." answered Ben gallantly.

She turned to Abraham with a protecting, motherly little gesture of command for him to follow, and marched gallantly on down the stairs. Humbly, trembling at the knees, he came with gingerly steps after the little old wife. How unworthy he was of her now! How unworthy he had always been, yet never realized to the full until this moment.

Mount, brother, mount, or we shall have the whole rustic canaille upon us in a twinkling." I did as he commanded: we were presently in the road which we had left the night before. Along this we hurried at a great rate, the horse displaying his best speedy trot; whilst the mule, with its ears pricked up, galloped gallantly at his side.

Directly she is strong enough to travel I shall bring her home." "Oh, you must see something of the social life of the place while you're there. D'you know what I thought? I thought you were goin' out to get married, and" he continued gallantly "I thought he was a deuced lucky chap." She smiled and shook her head.

Howbeit it was not his fortune to have a son by Dona Sol, for he died before he came to the throne, and left no issue. When the Cid knew that the Infantes were coming, he and all his people went out six leagues to meet them, all gallantly attired both for court and for war; and he ordered his tents to be pitched in a fair meadow, and there he awaited till they came up.

She was rather bored that evening, and it was pleasant to imagine herself in the midst of great political intrigues. 'We were wondering if you would come, she said. 'I am here there everywhere but I always come back to the Casa Barenna, he said gallantly. 'You look tired, said Julia quietly. 'Where are you from? 'At the moment I am from Madrid.

The night, however, was pleasant, and not dark; and Waverley, calling up mental energy to support personal fatigue, held on his march gallantly, though envying in his heart his Highland attendants, who continued, without a symptom of abated vigour, the rapid and swinging pace, or rather trot, which, according to his computation, had already brought them fifteen miles upon their journey.

She waved back gayly and cantered up to him, her lovely face aglow with cordial greeting. "Good noon!" she called. "So you have come at last? But better late than never." "How could I help coming?" he gallantly exclaimed. "I see. The coyotes stole your cutlets, and you were hungry," she bantered, as she came alongside and whirled her horse around to ride with him down the creek.

He gave it effectually by passing his sabre through the body of the Afghan; who, however, continued to struggle gallantly. At length the Brigadier for a moment got the uppermost. Still retaining in his left hand the weapon of his enemy, he dealt him with his right a cut from his own sabre, which cleft his skull from his crown to the eyebrows. The Mohammedan once shouted "Ne Ullah!"