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I think his reverence has given us a capital sermon. Go up to the Great House all of you, and drink a glass to his health. Frank, go with them, and tell Spruce to tap one of the casks kept for the haymakers. "My dear Hazeldean, what has happened? You are mad." "Don't bother; do what I tell you." "But where is the parson to find you?" "Where? gadzooks, Mrs. H., at the stocks, to be sure!" Dr.

"It would be rather droll, you know, and I wonder how you'd manage it; I'm not very tiny, and I rather think it wouldn't be easy to er carry me off. Would you wear a mask a black velvet mask? I should insist upon black velvet. And would you say: 'Gadzooks, madam! I command you not to scream! Would you?"

Some time elapsed ere Robin returned; and when he did, he perceived that Roupall was in no gentle humour. "Have you warmed the chicken's nest, and taken good and tender care of the gentle bird, according to orders, Robin? Gadzooks!

"That," he said slowly "that, my dear Miss Mary, will be discovered, with other things, when you hear my will read aloud on the day of my funeral?" "Well!" exclaimed Ruth, sinking back in armchair number one, at the right of the bedroom fireplace. "Well!" exclaimed Mollie, sinking back in armchair number two, facing her sister. "Likewise, good sooth! By my halidom! Gadzooks!

"A storm!" exclaimed the landlord. "Gadzooks! I thought something was coming on; for when I looked at the weather-glass an hour ago, it had sunk lower than I ever remember it." "We shall have a durty night on it, to a sartinty, landlord," observed an old one-eyed sailor, who sat smoking his pipe by the fire-side.

'Oh, Gadzooks, man, come to the point! cried her ladyship, with one eye on the victuals. 'No, I will not shame her publicly, said Mr. Thomasson, swelling with virtuous self-restraint. 'But if your ladyship would honour me with two words apart? Lady Dunborough rose, muttering impatiently; and Mr.

My engaging friend here has an I mistake not a passport ready for me in the pocket of his sable-hued coat, and as we are hoping effectually to spit one another over there... gadzooks! but there's the specific purpose.... Is it not true, sir," he added, turning once more to Chauvelin, "that in the pocket of that exquisitely cut coat of yours, you have a passport name in blank perhaps which you had specially designed for me?"

It made me feel rather hot and queer to be taken for a robber; and yet methinks I was proud of it. "Gadzooks, Master Pooke," said I, having learned fine words at Tiverton; "do you suppose that I know not then the way to carry firearms?

"Hoity-toity," returned my aunt, who had by then succeeded in getting her head-gear safe within; "the fashion, yes until a prettier comes along." "There is small danger of that for the present," I said, smiling: "Surely you can find no fault with this choice!" "Gadzooks! If I were blind, sir, I think I might!" she cried unguardedly. "I will not dispute that, Aunt Caroline," I answered.

The dispatches state that during the three weeks George Gould was lazing and luxuriating in a foreign land "the business revival added at least $15,000,000 to the value of the Gold securities." Gadzooks! how sweet idleness must be when sugared with more than $714,000 per day! I'm willing to loaf for half the lucre.