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Those as have little give freely to them as have none I to-day, you to-morrow. The world would be a poor place else, 'specially for the likes o' we." "Do you mean that all who tramp the road know each other?" "Well, 'ardly that, brother. To be sure, I know most o' the reg'lar padding-coves, but you don't have to know a man to help him." "Are you acquainted with a peddler called Gabbing Dick?"

I told you to go home, Bushrod. Miss Lucy said that, did she? Well, we haven't kept the scutcheon very clear. Two years ago last week, wasn't it, Bushrod, when she died? Confound it! Are you going to stand there all night gabbing like a coffee-coloured gander?" The train whistled again. Now it was at the water tank, a mile away.

"I'm afraid I cannot waste time and breath on you in an attempt to answer the riddle of the ages, to explain the wanderlust that sent forth the tribes from the Aryan bowl of the birth of the races, my corpulent bean-pot. Your blank eyes and your flattened skull suggest a discouraging incapacity for information." "I don't know what you're gabbing abut. But there's one thing I do know.

"Lord love me!" ejaculated the Peddler, scrambling to his feet. "So you've turned into a Eve at last, 'ave yer, Anna? You as couldn't abide a man! An' 'ere you be in a nice little garden o' Eden along o' your Adam, eh? Found yourself a lad at last for kissy-cuddly, eh? You as was so prim! What'll folks say when I tell 'em?" "That you'm a liar, Gabbing Dick, as big a liar as ever you was."

"A large water bottle full of water lightly colored with wine attracted my attention. Boivin, embarrassed, said to his wife: "'See here, my dear, just on a special occasion, are you not going to give us some plain wine? "She looked at him furiously. "'So that you may both get tipsy, is that it, and stay here gabbing all day? A fig for your special occasion! "He said no more.

He wore a greyish coat, black vest, light pantaloons and slippers, and a white affair on his head, perhaps a handkerchief. His spiritual adviser stood behind him, evidently disgusted with him. Atzerott lost his life through too much gabbing.

"When I tells folk as Anna's took up wi' a lad at last an' 'im such a whipper-snapper! When I tell 'em as 'ow you " "That's enough!" cried I passionately. "Take your things and go before I endeavour to kill you " "Lord, Peregrine!" said Diana, viewing me in big-eyed wonder. "'T is only Gabbing Dick, and he must talk dirt, but nobody minds." "Well, I do, and if he doesn't depart immediately "

That little fella is in tune with all the world!" she declared; "but those people do be always gibbing and gabbing! Give them a smell, and they're that suspeecious they'll do the rest! Sure I said to that owld man below, Mikey Twomey" thus dispassionately was Mrs.

"He's in a terrible way, David," said Dick, in explanation of his brother's attitude toward them. "You see, I'm an old hand at the business, and I advised him to talk with no one except the lawyer. It's bad policy, gabbing with everybody that comes along. Keep a close tongue in your head, that's my motto. Ernie's followin' my advice right up to the limit.

Now, even as I spoke, chancing to cast my eyes upon the pale, still face on the bed, I felt more certain than ever that I had somewhere seen it before. As I walked through the fresh, green world there ensued within me the following dispute, as it were, between myself and two voices; and the first voice I will call Pro, and the other Contra. MYSELF. May the devil take that "Gabbing Dick"!