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You may ask Lieutenant Grant to make enquiries among the men in his company and see if there are any who would like to be given two or three days' leave for such a purpose." "Thank you, sir!" and Billie touched his hat in true military style. "And you might say to the lieutenant," was General Funston's parting words, "that I should be glad to hear later how the men enjoyed their ride.

"I came out with Funston's 'Fighting Twentieth. I'm used to being called back, not tolled along after the rear." "Rock Chalk! Jay Hawk! K U!" roared Schwoebel in a tremendous bellow. "Rock Chalk! Jay Hawk! K U!" a Pennsylvania University man named McLearn followed Schwoebel. "Rock Chalk! Jay Hawk! K U!" went down the whole line of infantry.

Cantor did not know Cosetta until that chance meeting took place in the gambling house." A week later, Dave Darrin, his wound now almost healed, stood on the bridge of the "Long Island," Danny Grin at his side. They had just watched the landing of the last boatloads of General Funston's regulars. "I believe that winds up the Navy's chapter at Vera Cruz, Danny," said Ensign Darrin.

If, by any kind of a scheme, he can hold us off for a few weeks, he will then have his army consolidated, will have the railroad and bridges destroyed, and the mountain roads to Mexico City all planted with mines, and then be able, most likely, to make the advance of our Army to Mexico City cost us hundreds of good Yankee lives per mile!" "And Funston's brigade of regulars is on the way, too!"

Black and his daughter out there at the mercies of these greasers. You hear me!" "Oh, we'll go with you, all right!" said Billie. "But don't be surprised if you don't get what you ask." Accordingly the trio started for General Funston's headquarters. After some delay they were admitted to his presence and Donald showed him Mr. Black's letter.

Ten days later the boys stood upon the wharf awaiting the arrival of the first boatload of General Funston's regulars from the big transports which had anchored in the harbor the night before. Because of the shallowness of the water, everything in Vera Cruz harbor has to be brought ashore in small boats, known as lighters.

It was not General Funston's mission in Vera Cruz to overrun any more Mexican territory, so the Mexicans were allowed to retreat without pursuit; but the lines were strengthened so that from that time on there was never any danger from Huerta's forces, although there were numerous alarms and plenty of scout duty.

When the two had time for each other again, Colonel Fred Funston's name had been written round the world in the annals of military achievement, the resourceful, courageous, beloved leader of a band of fighters from the Kansas prairies who were never defeated, never driven back, never daunted by circumstances.

"I want a clear space for my getaway." "Where you goin?" asked one of the Clark brothers. "North," replied Billy, "after some of Funston's men on the border." "But they won't cross," said Mr. Harding. "Washington won't let them." "They gotta," snapped Billy Byrne, "an' they will when they know there's an American girl here with a bunch of Dagos yappin' around."