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It seemed impossible, when he remembered that only forty years had passed since Djamboula's suicide raid had finally defeated the fungoid creatures of the planet and since the survivors' vows to repay all Earthmen for their defeat. They were a prolific race, of course but without help from Earth, the factories would be shacks and the rockets and high-drive ships would be only memories.

Before meeting in Saint-Estelle, the Paradise of the Félibres, they had wished not to die before at least meeting on this earth. Fabre wrote to mistral the following letter, which I owe to the kindness of the great poet: "I have never thought of profiting by my humble fungoid water- colours...Fate will perhaps decide otherwise.

There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something in the clumsy deliberation of the tedious movements unspeakably nasty. Even at this first encounter, this first glimpse, I was overcome with disgust and dread. Suddenly the monster vanished. It had toppled over the brim of the cylinder and fallen into the pit, with a thud like the fall of a great mass of leather.

One is the depletion of available plant food, the other the formation of injurious compounds by the plants, or the gradual increase of fungoid, bacterial or animate pests in the soil, which finally become abundant enough to seriously hinder growth. Different plants take the plant foods, as nitrogen, lime, potash, phosphates, etc., in different proportion.

A fog defaced all the trees of the park that morning, the white atmosphere adhered to the ground like a fungoid growth from it, and made the turfed undulations look slimy and raw. But Lady Constantine settled down in her chair to await the coming of the late curate's son with a serenity which the vast blanks outside could neither baffle nor destroy.

As I remember it, Huxley detected a fragment of Sphagnum leaf in the same solution in which a fungoid growth had been developed. Again, as to the saline solution without nitrogen, would not the air supply what was required?

He will be returning next Friday from a special mission to investigate the fungoid parasites that have been attacking the cinchona trees in Ceylon." The botanist blesses his heart. "Consequently" the official sighs at the burthen of such nonsense, "you will have to go and consult with the people you ought to be." I betray a faint amusement.

He refused them all, helvellae and clavariae, chanterelles and pezizae alike. With a rhizopogon, a sort of little fungoid potato, which is frequent in pine woods at a moderate depth and sometimes even on the surface, I achieved complete success. I had strewn a handful of them on the sand of my breeding pan.

I should say Genesis was acceptable authority to a young minister of the Gospel." "That is a violation of the truce, Elise. You are skirmishing with his picket line. Go on, Douglass." "It is evidently a remnant of despotic barbarism, a fungoid growth from Oriental bondage " "Bishop, may I be allowed to ask if you are referring to Genesis?"

Tree-ferns and mosses and a myriad other parasitic forms jostled with gay-coloured fungoid growths for room to live, and the very atmosphere itself seemed to afford clinging space to airy fairy creepers, light and delicate as gem-dust, tremulous with microscopic blooms.