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Gurdon, who had returned to relieve Fluke at the violin, good-naturedly struck up "The Wrecker's Daughter." "Can't ye put a little sperrit into 'er, Gurd? Is this 'ere a fun'al? That 's it! Now then 'Touch and go is a good pilot."

He took a cramp colic in de night an' was dead 'fore mornin'. I hear somebody a-cryin' at de Big House an' Granny tol' us dat Old Marster done die in de night. Dey had a big fun'al an' all de folks come. De men carried him to de graveyard by de church. Dey didn' have no hearses dem days. Twant far to de graveyard so dey jus' toted de coffin to whar dey buried 'im.

He could sho' give out de words o' wisdom. Us didn' have big baptisins lak was had on a heap o' places, 'cause Presbyterians don't go down under de water lak de Baptis' do. If one o' de slaves died he was sho' give a gran' Christian fun'al. All o' us mourners was on han'. Services was conducted by de white preacher. "Old Mis' wouldn' stan' for no such things as voodoo an' ha'nts.

"How many trips do you make in a day?" inquired the fare. "Pen's 'pon how many people is a-comin' an' goin'. Some days I don't make no trip at all. Oder days, w'en dere's a weddin' or a fun'al, I makes many as fifty." The passage was soon made, and the duke stepped out on the west bank. "Is there any path leading to the top of this ridge, Uncle Lemuel?" inquired the duke.

A colored woman, whom she did not know, came to the door. "Wat yer want, chile?" she inquired. "Kin I see Miss Ma'y?" asked Sophy timidly. "I don't know, honey. Ole Miss Myrover say she don't want no cullud folks roun' de house endyoin' dis fun'al. I 'll look an' see if she 's roun' de front room, whar de co'pse is.

Dey called him de 'Boss Man. He always carried a big whup an' when dem Niggers got sassy, dey got de whup 'crost dey hides. "Lawsy! I's recallin' de time when de big old houn' dog what fin' de run-away Niggers done die wid fits. Dat man Duncan, he say us gwina hol' fun'al rites over dat dog. He say us Niggers might better be's pow'ful sad when us come to dat fun'al.

An' dem chillen o' his'n, which ain't nuver is had no proper mo'nin' fur dey mammy no mo' 'n what color Gord give 'em in dey skins I gwine put 'em in special secon' mo'nin', 'cordin' to de time dey ought ter been wearin' it; an' when we walks up de island o' de chu'ch, dey got ter foller, two by two, keepin' time ter de fun'al march.

Like as not dey'd git ole Brother Philemon Peters down f'om de bottom-lands to preach wrath an' I wants grace preached at Sister Sophy-Sophia's fun'al, even ef I has to wait ten years for it. She died in pain, but I hope for her to rest in peace an' not to disgrace heaven wid crutches under her wings, nuther.

"Why wouldn't you be a legal witness, Tamar?" "'Caze I got de same man an' dat's de suspiciouses' thing dey kin bring up ag'ins' a witness so dey tell me. Ef 'twarn't for dat, I'd 'a' had her fun'al preached las' month."

A colored woman, whom she did not know, came to the door. "W'at yer want, chile?" she inquired. "Kin I see Miss Ma'y?" asked Sophy timidly. "I don' know, honey. Ole Miss Myrover say she don' want no cullud folks roun' de house endyoin' dis fun'al. I'll look an' see if she's roun' de front room, whar de co'pse is.