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Yet again I call the flight-commander's attention to our dwindling numbers, and this time I cannot mistake the single-syllabled reply. It is a full-throated "Hell!" For my part I compare the party to the ten little nigger boys, and wonder when the only survivor, apart from our own machine, will leave. I look towards it anxiously.

My uncle Thormanby, on the other hand, has no tact at all. He came over to luncheon the day after I arrived home. We had scarcely sat down at table when he began to jeer. "Well," he said, speaking in his usual hearty full-throated way, "better luck next time." "I am not sure," I said, with dignified coolness, "that there will be a next time." "Oh, yes, there will.

Flossie stood in the doorway smiling good-humouredly at them, without a trace of embarrassment or of confusion in her manner. She was an immense girl, quite six feet tall, broad and well-made, in proportion. She was very handsome, full-throated, heavy-eyed, and slow in her movements.

"Look out! Want to run us down?" A full-throated laugh rang out from the Egret's bridge as her course was changed slightly and her engines throttled down. On the bridge beside the searchlight Roger saw Garman's huge figure looming. "Ho, Payne!" came a hail. "Didn't see anything of the we're after, did you?" "Not to recognize by that description," replied Roger.

From perhaps half a mile away there came the howl of a dog, and scarcely had that sound died away when there followed it the full-throated voice of the pack whose silence Philip had wondered at. A strange cry broke from Josephine. "They are coming!" she almost sobbed. "Quick, Philip! My last hope of saving you is gone, and now you must be good to me if you care at all!"

Hilary Leigh lay half awake, listening to the loud song of a thrush, full-throated and joyous, whistling away to his mate sitting close by in her clay cup of a nest upon four pale greenish-blue spotted eggs; and as he heard the notes he seemed to be in the old bedroom at Sir Henry Norland's, where he used to leave his window open to be called by the birds.

Pick yourself up and come along." Then once more he shouted full-throated words of encouragement to his men; and as he did so, his chest swelled and his head rocked with the effort. Yet, crackling and cracking, the ice was breaking up; and soon it began slowly to bear us past the town.

Gettin' up at four o'clock in th' mornin' th' singin' iv th' full-throated alarm clock is answered be an invisible choir iv songsters, as Shakespere says, an' ye see th' sun rise over th' hills as ye go out to carry in a ton iv coal.

Her mother followed with stately leisure, regardless of a wind-flung dash of sleet on her sealskins. Having been relieved of their furs, the callers were shown to the drawing-room. As the footman glided away to inform his mistress of their arrival, Dolores danced across to the door of the rear drawing- room and called in a clear, full-throated, contralto voice: "Ho, Vievie! Vievie! You in here?

By that same token, when the explosion did occur, he was the most helpless person there, the only one of them who could really be called panic-stricken. John had, at last, crossed the room and seated himself beside his wife. He spoke to her in a low voice but her full-throated reply was audible everywhere in the room. "No, I'm not tired and I really don't want any tea.