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We advanced 24 miles from fort Washington and bult a Small fort which we I thought were long about from thence we advanced along the banks of the Meamme River where the fort was arected 44-1/2 Miles on a Streight Line by the Compass west 1/4 north though farther the way the Road went and bult another fort which we Left on the 23 October and from that time to the 3d Novr Got 31 Miles where we incamped in two Lines about 60 yards apart the Right whing in frunt Commanded by General Butler, the Left in the Rear which I commanded, our piccquets Decovered Some Sculking Indians about Camp in the Night and fired on them.

It's something like this noosepaper, for instance; something that's gut a big Injin onto it; though the Big Injin Fryday Nite had his close on, which this moril Jernal's Injin hasn't, bein intended to represent that nobil read man of the forrist, of hoom the poet sweetly sings: "Low, the poor Injin! hoose untootered mind Clothes him in frunt Butt leaves him bare behind!" However, let that parse.

I lived on Gallatin Pike long 'fore de war, an uster se'd de soldiers ride by." "Mah marsters name wuz Wm. Penn Harding. Mah daddy wuz sold at Sparta, Tennessee 'fore I wuz bawn en Marster Harding bought 'im. Mah mammy erready 'longed ter de Hardings." "I don' member much 'bout slavery I wuz small, but I know I wore a leetle ole slip wid two er three bottons in frunt.

He stopped in frunt ov Abraham Lincoln & says very sharp & cross: "Boy, where did you come from?" Abe diddent say nothin'. His ize got all white, he grinned sort ov scared like, showed his white teeth, & looked sickly over at me. I spoke up & says: "I brung him along with me from Murfreesboro'." "So I sposed," said he. "He's a slave you're tryin 2 steal from his master. You can't do it.

The device was a lowe kinde of carre with a couple of wheeles, and the frunt armed with sharpe syckles, whiche, forced by the beaste through the corne, did cut down al before it. This tricke," says Googe, "might be used in levell and champion countreys; but with us it wolde make but ill-favoured woorke."

Hab nebber had any frens in office. Cain' member nothin' 'bout re'structon. I hab bin sick en still don' feel right. Sumtimes I feels krazy. Hab bin tole dat black cat crossin' road in frunt ob you wuz bad luck. I nebber did b'leeve in any signs. Ef I ez ter hab bad luck, ah'll hab hit. I b'long ter de Baptist Chuch. De culored peeples useter hab camp meetin's, en dey'd last fer two weeks.

Mammy would wash me en I'd go out frunt en play wid de white chilluns." "W'en de fightin' got so heavy mah white peeple got sum Irish peeple ter live on de plantation, en dey went south, leavin' us wid de Irish peeple." "I wuz leetle en I guess I didn't think much 'bout freedum, I'd allus had plenty ter eat en w'ar." "Dunno ob any slaves gittin' nuthin at freedum."

"He can't git inter de frunt, an' he can't git inter de back, an' he can't come down no chimney in dis here house, an' I tell yer dose," he said, and shut his mouth grimly, while cold apprehension crept around Ernest's heart and took the sweetness out of Roderick's sucker.

The old 'Squire hisself was dressed up in soljer clothes and stood on his door-step, pintin his sword sollumly to a American flag which was suspendid on top of a pole in frunt of his house. Frequiently he wood take orf his cocked hat & wave it round in a impressive stile.