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He would have taken off his cap if he had had one on; as it was, he could only bow politely. As he did so, each frog turned round so as to face him, and each gave a little bob of the head, which, though not very graceful, was evidently meant as an acknowledgment of Hugh's courtesy. "They are very polite frogs," whispered Hugh. "Jeanne, do stand up and bow to them too."

Dubois looked at me from head to foot, and abruptly turning his back upon me, said with an oath, to a courtier who stood next to him, "The plagues of Pharaoh are come again; only instead of Egyptian frogs in our chambers, we have the still more troublesome guests, English adventurers!"

"Better take along five dollars to bait him with," suggested Ned. "I've got my stick," said Stacy. "I'll tickle the back of the burro and its rider, just as I did the frogs." "You try that on the burro and he'll kick you into the middle of next week," warned Walter. "Yes," laughed Tad.

Now for the horses and dogs and frogs and fishes: how did you like that kind of thing? Cock. Your question would take a long time to answer; more time than we can spare. But to sum up my experience in two words every one of these creatures has an easier life of it than man.

When the wind had passed, all was still for an instant; the parted clouds hung in fantastic forms between the forest-grown mountains. Over the hastening Rhone, their shapes resembled sea-monsters of the primeval world, soaring eagles of the air and leaping frogs of the ditches they seemed to sink into the rapid stream and to sail on the river, yet they still floated in the air.

He hath brought forth frogs in their holy places, He hath sprinkled the dust upon crown and hem, He hath hated their kings and hath darkened their faces; Wonders He works in the land of Khem. "These are the accursed blaspheming conjurors and slaves, the Apura," said Rei, as the music and the tramping died away.

It was a summer's evening, and the sun had sunk in a glory of dusty gold, and in the violet twilight one or two stars were twinkling like spearheads. There was an incessant noise made by the croaking of frogs and the chatter of grasshoppers. The minstrel was singing a short song over and over again to a monotonous tune.

“I also do tricks with ducks and frogs, but the other day the pet frog and duck which I have got sick, and I can’t do any more tricks with them until they are better. But if you would come with me, I could do some tricks with you in the show, and I wouldn’t hurt you a bit, and I’d give you each ten cents, and you could have a nice time. Will you come with me?

The absence of the frog family in the oceanic islands is the more remarkable, when contrasted with the case of lizards, which swarm on most of the smallest islands. May this difference not be caused by the greater facility with which the eggs of lizards, protected by calcareous shells, might be transported through salt-water, than could the slimy spawn of frogs?

Carpenter says, "To say that two or more distinct centres of sensation and will are present in such a case, would really be the same as saying that we have the power of constituting two or more distinct egos in one body, WHICH IS MANIFESTLY ABSURD." One sees the absurdity of maintaining that we can make one frog into two frogs by cutting a frog into two pieces, but there is no absurdity in believing that the two pieces have minor centres of sensation and intelligence within themselves, which, when the animal is entire, act in much concert with the brain, and with each other, that it is not easy to detect their originally autonomous character, but which, when deprived of their power of acting in concert, are thrown back upon earlier habit, now too long forgotten to be capable of permanent resumption.