United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She had written it early in the fall and had mailed it endorsed "please forward" in the care of his New York publishers, so that it had played tag with him, never catching him, over the length of Europe and, after that, had zig-zagged along the cities of the Levant and the fringes of Africa.

So I put on my stiff shirt and Harriet came out in her best black cape with the silk fringes. And I am glad I went, for the experience I had. It was an ideal summer Sunday: sunshiny, clear and still. I believe if I had been some Rip Van Winkle waking after twenty years' sleep I should have known it for Sunday.

So they went the three of them together. It was dark and still within the church; in front of the altar-steps were set a faldstool and a chair, where the Duke might pray, or sit if he were weary; two tall wax lights stood beside, and lit up the crimson cloth and the gold fringes, so that it seemed like a rare flower blossoming in the dark.

Several, particularly of the younger men, displayed pantaloons of blue, edged with red cloth down the seams part of the equipments of the “Templeton Light Infantryfrom a little vanity to be seen in “boughten clothesThere was also one man in a “rifle frockwith its fringes and folds of spotless white, striking a chill to the heart with the idea of its coolness, although the thick coat of brown” home- made” that was concealed beneath preserved a proper degree of warmth.

And the Dionaea, or Venus's Fly-trap of the Southern States, has some leaves which fold together upon any insect that alights upon their upper surface; and by means of a row of long spines that fringes the leaves, they prevent his escape. The more active the struggles of the captive, the closer grows the hold of the leaf, and speedily destroys him.

The long black hair, which streamed down his shoulders, was ornamented at the crown by several eagle feathers, brilliantly stained and thrust in place. The fringes of the neatly fitting leggings were also colored, and the moccasins which incased the small shapely feet, were interwoven with beads of every line of the rainbow.

But in the west was still a glory, and as I turned to it I seemed to look down the long vista of the journey to western Noto by the sea. I thought how I had pictured it to myself before starting, and then how little the facts had fitted the fancy. It had lost and gained; if no longer maiden, it was mine, and the glamour that fringes the future had but changed to the glamour that gilds the past.

Not in the physical attributes, not in the characteristics of the divine nature which part Him off from men, and make Him remote, both from their conceptions and their affections, but in the love that bends to them is the true glory of God. All these other things are but the fringes; the centre of glory is the Love, which is the mightiest and the divinest thing in the Might Divine.

When the priest finished, the king was sitting upright, his face flushed with feeling. "Sedition!" he exclaimed; "organized rebellion in the very heart of my realm!" He paused for a space and thrust back the heavy fringes of his cowl with a gesture of peevish impatience. "What evil humor possesses Egypt?" he burst forth irritably. "Hardly have I overthrown an invader before my people break out.

In this condition were we when Trimalchio himself was waddled into the consort; and being close bolster'd with neck-cloaths and pillows to keep off the air, we could not forbear laughing unawares: For his bald pate peep'd out of a scarlet mantle, and over the load of cloaths he lay under, there hung an embroidered towel, with purple tassels and fringes dingle dangle about it: He had also on the little finger of his left hand, a large gilt ring, and on the outmost joint of the finger next it, one lesser, which I took for all gold; but at last it appeared to be jointed together with a kind of stars of steel.