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Dad supposed we would have to talk to the Emperor and the Prince through an interpreter, and we stood there waiting for some one to break the ice, when some one told the Emperor that an American gentleman and his boy wanted to pay their respects, and the Emperor, who wore an ordinary dark suit, with no military frills, took one of the young Princes he had been playing with across his knee and gave him a couple of easy spanks, in fun, and the whole family was laughing, and the spanked boy "tackled" the Emperor around the legs, below the knee, like a football player, and the other Princes pulled him off, and the Emperor came up to dad, smiling as though he was having the time of his life, and spoke to dad in the purest English, and said he was glad to see the "Bad Boy" man, because he had read all about the pranks of the Bad Boy, and bid dad welcome to Germany, and he didn't look sick at all.

Wouldn't you wear one like it if you could!" "You bet!" "Then just let him alone! He's just got back from de inauguration." "Where'd you pick him up, Mike?" "Never mind! He's one of us. How much money have you got in your pocket Rodney?" "Thirty two cents." "He can't put on no frills wid dat money." "That's so.

So Elizabeth went to the picnic in a cool white dimity, plainly made, with tiny frills of itself, edged with narrow lace that did not shout to the unknowing multitude, "I am real!" but was content with being so; and with a white Panama hat adorned with only a white silken scarf, but whose texture was possible only at a fabulous price.

The other guests appeared to be of a comfortable, companionable class, with, as Denry said, "no frills." Her room was the untidiest that Nellie had ever seen, and the tea a picnic. Nihilism! Secret police! Denry and Nellie bathed in correctness as in a bath.

In the "hall" he would encounter a rickety hat-stand faced by an ancient print entitled "Idle Hours," and depicting two ladies, reclining on rocks, attired in tremendous skirts, tight jackets, and diminutive straw hats perched between their forehead and chignons in the middle distance a fat urchin, all hat and frills, staring stupidly at the ocean.

The water is as transparent as rock crystal, but like that mineral slightly distorts the object unless the view is absolutely vertical. It is a lens perfect in its limpidity. Here is a buff-coloured block roughly in the shape of a mushroom with a flat top, irregular edges, and a bulbous stalk. Rich brown alga hangs from its edges in frills and flounces.

Michael wants me, and I don't care. It'll get me away from home." Diving her hand into the frills on her breast, she brought out a letter. "Jon wrote me this." June read: "Lake Okanagen, British Columbia. I'm not coming back to England. Bless you always. Jon." "She's made safe, you see," said Fleur. June handed back the letter.

"For common Wabash-bottom fly-up-the-cricks and private soljers, you're puttin' on entirely too many frills," said Sol Murphy, the Wagonmaster, angrily, as it was firmly insisted upon that he stay outside until he carefully cleaned his shoes on the bayonet. "A man that's afraid o' mud hain't no business in the army. He orter stay at home an' wear Congress gaiters an' pantalets.

They vanished rapidly through the door, and hastened to air their grievance and repeat their story with added "frills" to ready ears at the bunk house. Jim gazed through the doorway after them, and Dan furtively watched him for some silent moments. "Well?" he said at last. The tone of his inquiry was peculiar. There was no definite anger in it, nor was it a simple question.

In it was a tiny white dress of exquisite workmanship delicate embroidery, wonderful tucking, sheer loveliness. Every stitch in it was handwork; and the little frills of lace at neck and sleeves were of real Valenciennes. Lying on it was a card "with Leslie's love." "What hours of work she must have put on it," said Anne. "And the material must have cost more than she could really afford.