United States or Guam ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Her new friend's mother was pleased with her daughter's choice of a companion despite the lack of good breeding and lapses in English. Leonora became the obedient and devoted follower of the new girl friend and the influence of the music teacher was indeed remarkable.

In the work which led him to the discovery of the retina in the eye he had devoted himself sedulously to the organs of sight. This case seemed as if it had been created for his friend's keen knife.

Perhaps it would have been better had I done so earlier and more often. "'A man! said I. 'Well, I'm glad to have your friend's assurance of it, for no one would suspect it to see you like a boarding-school missy.

As the three sat together round the fire for the evenings were already growing chilly, and the leaves in the garden began to fall they spoke together of the subject on which Mrs. Costello had been so anxiously waiting her friend's counsel. "I am afraid you are right," Mr. Strafford said. "The only way to avoid, with certainty, any danger of meeting, is for you to leave Canada."

Immediately I went out, and asked for the other lady; and my people told me she had opened the street-door, and gone out of doors. Then I suspected she had been the cause of her friend's death. In fine, she had the dexterity and the malice to put some strong poison into the last glass, which she gave her out of her own hand. I was afflicted to the last degree with the accident.

Then, reproaching himself for a pride so unbecoming his principles and dishonorable to friendship, he asked, if he were in Somerset's place, and Somerset in his, whether he could ever pardon the morose delicacy which had prevented the communication of his friend's misfortunes, and arrival in the same kingdom with himself.

Miss Martineau, in acknowledging this note and the copy of "Shirley," dated her letter from a friend's house in the neighbourhood of Mr. Smith's residence; and when, a week or two afterwards, Miss Bronte found how near she was to her correspondent, she wrote, in the name of Currer Bell, to propose a visit to her.

"Now you will understand my great curiosity. In order to prevent the scandal of such a marriage, my friend's family would do every thing in the world. But how can you attack a woman of whose antecedents and mode of life nothing is known?" "Yes, I understand," said Brevan, "I understand." His features betrayed that he was making a great mental effort.

Of course I'm a member of all the woman's franchise leagues and everything of that sort, they can't afford to do without a single friend's name on their lists at present; but the vote is a matter that troubles me little in itself, what I want is to see women made fit to use it. After all, political life fills but a small and unimportant part in our total existence.

This time Albinia durst not look at Sophy. Rather according to his friend's hopes than his own, he was able to report at the close of the next day, that he had not 'had a word from his uncle, except a nod; and thus the days passed on, Andrew Goldsmith did not appear, and it became evident that he was to remain on sufferance as a clerk.