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Why did I not experience a moment of embarrassment, timidity or restraint? Naturally bashful, easily confused, having seen nothing of the world, could I, the first time, the first moment I beheld her, adopt caressing language, and a familiar tone, as readily as after ten years' intimacy had rendered these freedoms natural?

But if he were the proudest nobleman in the land, he is the Provost of Perth, and for his own honour must see the freedoms and immunities of the burgh preserved ay, and I know he will. I have made a steel doublet for him, and have a good guess at the kind of heart that it was meant to cover."

'Don't apologise, for the world, replied Sir John sweetly; 'old friends like you and I, may be allowed some freedoms, or the deuce is in it. Gashford, who had been very restless all this time, but had not once looked up, now turned to Sir John, and ventured to mutter something to the effect that he must go, or my lord would perhaps be waiting.

Oldbuck, for indulging my levity at your expense may I now presume you will excuse the gay freedoms which then offended you? my state of mind has never since laid me under the necessity of apologizing for the inadvertencies of a light and happy temper." "My lord, you are fully pardoned," said Mr. Oldbuck.

"In truth!" said Charles, much astonished, "I do not know which I ought to prefer, your freedoms or your respects." "You will choose presently, sire," said D'Artagnan. "Then your majesty complained to your brother, Louis XIV., of the difficulty you experienced in returning to England and regaining your throne for want of men and money." Charles allowed a movement of impatience to escape him.

The doctor and death I should have said; for that is the natural order, and generally speaking, the one is but the harbinger to the other. If, therefore, you decline to oblige me, I shall think you are displeased with my freedom. But let me tell you, at the same, that no man has a right to be displeased at freedoms taken with him for faults he is not ashamed to be guilty of. I thank you and Mr.

"Make no apology, Mr. Kavanagh; it's very commendable in you to bend yourself by condescending to amuse your pupils." "I beg your pardon, Squire, I can take freedoms with you; but perhaps the concomitant gentleman, your friend here, would be pleased to take my stool.

It was like his doing penance in sordid ways being sent to prison or being kept without money; it wouldn't have taken much to make her think of him as really kept without food. He might have broken away, might easily have started to travel; he had a right thought wonderful Maggie now to so many more freedoms than he took!

This often results in difficulty and delay, as I well know, but it also places supreme authority under God, beyond any one person, any one branch, any majority great or small, or any one party. The Constitution is the bedrock of all our freedoms. Guard and cherish it, keep honor and order in your own house, and the Republic will endure. It is not easy to end these remarks.

I did not even coquet with them; because I found, on examining myself, I could not coquet with a man without loving him a little; and I perceived that I should not be able to stop at the line of what are termed innocent freedoms, did I suffer any. My reserve was then the consequence of delicacy.