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"He won't touch me. He's a-scared of my light." And then Freddie Firefly flitted away. He found Solomon Owl easily enough. He had heard Solomon's Wha-wha, whoo-ah! booming from the edge of the woods. And he soon persuaded Solomon to fly down into the meadow. Solomon Owl sailed above the waving grass, while Freddie Firefly spoke to Jennie Junebug. She liked his scheme.

"And what do you suppose those boxes contain?" said Mrs. Bobbsey to Mrs. Manily, pointing to the three boxes in the hanger above them. "Shoes?" ventured the matron. "Nope," said Freddie. "One hat, and my duck and my cat. Downy is my duck and Snoop is my cat." Then Nan told about the flight of the duck and the "kidnapping" of Snoop.

She talks of a certain Captain Warkworth " "Yes," said the Duchess, nodding. "I know; but he sha'n't have Julie." Her smile completed the Duke's annoyance. "What have you to do with it? I beg, Evelyn I insist that you leave Miss Le Breton's love affairs alone." "You forget, Freddie, that she is my friend."

"He doesn't belong to any circus," went on Danny. "That dog belongs to Mr. Peterson, who lives over in Millville. He lost a trick dog, and he advertised for it. He's going to give a reward. I'm going to tell him, and get the money." "You can't take our dog away!" cried Freddie, coming up just then. "Don't you dare do it, Danny Rugg."

"I was pretty well shaken up and knocked around when the cars stopped so suddenly, and I was a bit dazed, so I didn't know what I was doing taking a banana for my satchel, for instance!" And he smiled at Flossie and Freddie, who laughed as they remembered how queer this had seemed to them.

Charley said he'd stop for us, but I'm glad you did, too. The Bobbseys are going with us, Mother," Nellie called back to her mother who was looking out of a window. "It's a regular chestnutting party," said Flossie. "Only we haven't anything to eat," added Freddie, and all the others laughed. "That's so!" exclaimed Nellie's brother George, who was older than any of the others.

At this moment the crying voice of Flossie was heard. The little girl seemed to be in trouble. "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!" shouted Freddie. "Something has happened!" exclaimed Mrs. Bobbsey. "I knew it would, just at the last minute!" "It does seem so," said Mr. Bobbsey, coming out on the porch. "I'll go and see what it is!" he added, as he ran around the side path.

"Why, Snap is so strong that he'll break that string in no time," said Bert. "Besides " "Flossie's gone in for our booty straps, I tell you!" said Freddie. "Then our harness will be strong enough. I'm only using string for part of it. I wish she'd hurry up and come out!" and Freddie glanced toward the house. But there was no sign of his little sister Flossie.

"Oh, I knowed you would come to take me to Freddie," cried he, "'cause my other mamma is gone too, and I'm all alone." "Mrs. Manily was called away by sickness in her family," explained the new matron, "and I cannot do anything with this little boy." "He was so fond of Mrs. Manily," said Aunt Sarah, "and besides he remembers how lonely he was when his own mother went away.

In another moment the two smaller Bobbsey twins had left their seat, climbed down the rear steps of the sight-seeing automobile, and were running toward the stray cat, which seemed to wait for them to come and pet it. "Nice pussy! Come and let me rub you!" said Freddie softly, as he held out his hand toward the stray cat.