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Lady Roseville, I am looking much paler than when I saw you at Garrett Park; but you you are like one of those beautiful flowers which bloom the brightest in the winter." "Thank Heaven, Mr. Pelham," said Lady Roseville, laughing, "that you allow me at last to say one word. You have learned, at least, the art of making the frais of the conversation since your visit to Paris."

Did you remark the quantity of rings and jewellery he wore? That person has Scamp written on his countenance, if any man ever had. Mark my words and avoid him. Let us turn the conversation. The dinner was a leetle too fine, but I don't object to your making a few extra frais when you receive friends. Of course, you don't do it often, and only those whom it is your interest to feter.

On pretend qu'un fermier general voulant s'eviter l'ennui ou s'epargner les frais des lettres dont on l'accabloit au nouvel an, ecrivoit au mois de Decembre a tous les employes de son departement qu'il les dispensoit du ceremonial, et que ceux-ci lui reponderoient pour l'assurer qu'ils se conformeroient a ses ordres.

«Vers la bas de la descente, on trouve des chalets que je m'étonnai de voir construits en pierres de taille, d'une forme très régulière; je demandai la raison de cette recherche, peu commune dans les montagnes, et j'appris que c'étoit la nature qui avoit fait tous les frais de cette taille.

Two field guns, and the two howitzers, were placed a little in advance of the hunting box, facing the French position on the mound. At eight o'clock in the morning, of the 23rd of June, a memorable day in the annals of India, the preparations on both sides were complete; and Saint Frais opened the battle, by the discharge of one of his guns at the English.

The Venosta had the frais of making talk to herself.

He had 53 pieces of artillery, most of them of heavy calibre, and with them 40 or 50 Frenchmen commanded by M. St. Frais, who had been a member of the French council at Chandernagor. His army occupied a strongly intrenched position. His right rested on the river, while his left stretched out into the open plain.

D'un bon vin frais ou la mousse ou la seve Ne gratta point le triste gosier d'Eve. La soie et l'or ne brillaient point chez eux. Admirez-vous pour cela nos aieux? Il leur manquait l'industrie et l'aisance: Est-ce vertu? c'etait pure ignorance.

Turning aside before reaching the town, he ascended the Frais Vallon some distance, meeting with a few Arabs and one or two soldiers, none of whom, however, took much notice of him, as his stalwart figure and eccentric bearing and behaviour had become by that time familiar to most of the inhabitants of the town.

The hill was carried without opposition, and then so heavy and searching a fire was poured into the intrenched camp that the enemy began to fall back, in utter confusion. Saint Frais, finding himself isolated and alone in the redoubt, as he had before been on the mound, was forced to retire. At five o'clock the battle was over, and the camp of the Nabob of Bengal in the possession of the English.