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They micht ha' cut the British army awa' frae it's bases, and crumpled up the whole line along the North Sea. But they stopped, wi' the greatest victory o' the war within their grasp. They stopped. They waited. And the line was formed again. Somehow, new men were found tae tak' the places of those who had deed. Masks against the gas were invented ower nicht.

"Ha!" cries Glasgow; "that's a hit, sir, and one that didna' occur to my mind! Now, M'Nab, how say ye to this? Why the deevil didna' ye keep yer ground that time ye had it all yer ain way, and no be lettin' strangers win it clean frae ye?" "Ta' Gaelic was ta language o' Wallace and o' Bruce, and of Cyrus, who came before them," urged the Gael, hotly, "and who will say thae were easy to beat?"

It's true eneuch that I took the bank-note frae the Bible, whilk was a verra unshuitable place to put the unrichteous mammon intil, and min's me upo' the money-changers i' the temple; and it's true that I paid it into the bank the neist day�-" "What garred ye deny't, than?" interrupted Thomas. "Bide a wee, Mr Crann, and caw canny.

It's hardly in a body's power To keep at times frae being sour, To see how things are shar'd; How best o' chiels are whiles in want, While coofs on countless thousands rant, An' ken na how to wair 't. His father, his brother, and himself all the members of the family indeed toiled unceasingly, yet were unable to better their position.

When the Jedgment Day comes round that water will be just bubbling wi' the number o' folks that will be coming up frae the bottom." "I trust that there will be no wrecks while we are here," said Esther earnestly. The old man shook his grizzled head and looked distrustfully at the hazy horizon.

Mailsetter; "haud awa bide aff, I tell you; this is nane o' your fourpenny cuts that we might make up the value to the post-office amang ourselves if ony mischance befell it; the postage is five-and-twenty shillings and here's an order frae the Secretary to forward it to the young gentleman by express, if he's no at hame. Na, na, sirs, bide aff; this maunna be roughly guided."

"The Monsher de Montaiglon frae France," announced Mungo, stepping aside still with the soldier's mechanical precision, and standing by the door to give dignity to the introduction and the entrance.

"Aye, ye'll say so, nae doot," said Jess, in reply to some pointed compliment of her admirer; "but I ken you fowk frae the laich end ower weel. This is an observation which shows that Jess could not have eaten more effectively of the tree of knowledge, had she been born in Mayfair.

"It's clean havers aboot the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no cannie stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me as if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."

"Now, I'm short of three verra necessary things, flour, tea, and steel traps. I canna get them frae Edmonton. They didna fully honor my fall requisitions, an' it's too late i' the season now. Yet they'll ask why I dinna get the skins next spring, ye understand.