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Fracture of the Metacarpus. Etiology and Occurrence. As the result of all sorts of violence, such as falls and injuries in accidents of various kinds wherein the metacarpals are subjected to contusions, fractures may result. Classification. Fractures of the metacarpal bones as they occur, are as likely to be compound as simple, and the multiple and comminuted varieties are occasionally observed.

Well, they have got a telegram that makes them both want to sail by the next steamer. 'That's a blessing. But the boy? 'He cannot be moved for weeks. It is not only the fractures, but the jar of the fall. He may get quite over it, but must lie quite still on his back. So here he is, a fixture, by your leave, my lady housekeeper. 'It is your room, Mr. Audley, said Wilmet.

It began to show fractures running in all directions, and to drift out toward the sea. Even the houses gave one a feeling of spring; they were brighter in hue; and the sun was shining into the sky overhead; if one looked for it one could see it glowing above the roofs.

While the term is in itself ambiguous and signifies nothing more definite than does "shoulder lameness," yet diagnosis of almost any condition that may be classed under the head of "hip lameness" is not easy except in cases where the cause is obvious, as in wounds of the musculature and certain fractures.

Believe me, I had little palate left for the jelly; and though I preferred the taste when I took cream with it, I used often to go without, because the cream dimmed the transparent fractures. Even with games, this spirit is authoritative with right-minded children.

Removing a weak or useless limb, healing their own wounds and fractures! But to be buried under ice and then wrenched and twisted by the blast for this they had received no training: and thus, like so many of the great prudent ones who look hourly to their well-being, they had been stricken down at last by the unexpected.

For instance, in carrying out the works of the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, there were twenty-two cases of compound fractures seventy-four simple fractures, besides burns from blasts, severe contusions, lacerations, and dislocations. One man lost both his eyes by a blast, another had his arm broken by a blast.

Fractures of the body of the scapula are of infrequent occurrence in horses for the reason that protection is afforded this bone because of its position. Its function, too, is such that very unusual conditions are necessary to subject it to fracture. The spine is occasionally broken due to blows such as kicks, etc., and here frequently a compound fracture exists.

Showing shortening of bone, owing to a lateral approximation of the diaphysis because of muscular contraction. Photo by Dr. Symptomatology. According to Cadiot and Almy, "regardless of the location of femoral fractures, the subject is usually intensely lame, the animal frequently walking on three legs fractures of the diaphysis are characterized by an abnormal mobility." In this case Dr.

This is particularly noteworthy in his chapters on fractures and dislocations, in which he suggests various methods of reduction and realizes very practically the mechanical difficulties that were to be encountered in the correction of the deformities due to these pathological conditions.