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This is a comparatively rare injury in the horse because of the protection afforded the femur by the heavy musculature. Fragilitas of the bone probably exists in many cases when fracture of its diaphysis occurs. It is generally conceded that the neck of the femur is rarely broken because of a lack of constriction in this part, but fracture of the trochanters has been recorded rather frequently.

Clio's lithely rounded form nestled against Costigan's powerful body as his mighty arms tightened around her; his neck and shoulder were no less enthusiastically clasped, and less strongly only because of her woman's slighter musculature.

Everybody, horn-detail, armed guard and all, got one ten-inch bowie knife and sheath, a red bandanna neckcloth, and a piece of flashy junk jewelry. They all looked woebegone about it; that would be their expression of joy. Different type nerves and different facial musculature, Fayon thought.

It will be noted that provision for weight bearing is so arranged that muscular energy is not required except in the matter of suspension of the body between the scapulae and here tonic impulses only are necessary to maintain an equilibrium , yet in every instance where weight is not supported by bones, inelastic ligaments or tendinous structures relieve the musculature of this constant strain.

"The human hand, since it is the teacher and interpreter of the brain, will become constantly more powerful and subtle as the rest of the musculature dwindles." Then in the physiology of these children of men, with their expanding brains, their great sensitive hands and diminishing bodies, great changes were necessarily worked.

The activity is supplied by the musculature of the body through the mastery impulse; the erogenous mucous membrane of the bowel manifests itself above all as an organ with a passive sexual aim, for both strivings there are objects present, which however do not merge together. Besides them there are other partial impulses which are active in an autoerotic manner.

And while upon this matter of detail, it is remarkable that the long leverages of their machines are in most cases actuated by a sort of sham musculature of the disks in an elastic sheath; these disks become polarised and drawn closely and powerfully together when traversed by a current of electricity.

While ptosis of organs in the abdomen and a flaccid condition of the musculature of the abdomen are frequent causes of this splanchlnic stasis, and therefore hypotension, especially in women, it is quite possible that suprarenal insufficiency will allow this condition of the splanchnic vessels to occur frequently.

It was the tactile, not the visual sensations that upset him. He nodded. "The abdominal viscera first," he said. The Lani laid back the skin and musculature with bold, sure strokes. An excellent prosectress, Kennon thought. Kennon pointed at the swollen liver and the Lani deftly severed its attachments and laid the organ out for inspection. The cause of death was obvious.

Fortunately, because of the heavy musculature which goes to form a part of the locomotive apparatus of the rear extremity, hip lameness is comparatively rare.