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Paris knows us well as men of fashion and mark Paris does not guess that we have perfected an organization so wonderful that the whole criminal world pays toll to us." "Dear me," Peter Ruff said, "this is very interesting!" "We have a trained army at our disposal," Monsieur de Founcelles continued, "who numerically, as well as in intelligence, outnumber the whole force of gendarmes in Paris.

"Let us consider once more my proposition. I take it for granted that, apart from this threatened complication, you find it agreeable?" "I am deeply honored by it," Peter Ruff declared. "Well, that being so," Monsieur de Founcelles said, more cheerfully, "we must see whether we cannot help you. Tell me, who is this fortunate young lady this Miss Brown?"

They had the bearing, too, these Frenchmen! He watched Monsieur de Founcelles bending over Violet, and he was suddenly conscious of a wholly new sensation. He did not recognize could not even classify it. He only knew that it was not altogether pleasant, and that it set the warm blood tingling through his veins.

"I do not understand how you gentlemen whom one knows by name so well as patrons of sport and society, can spare the time for affairs of such importance." Monsieur de Founcelles nodded. "We have very valuable aid," he said. "There is below us the 'Double-Four' the eight gentlemen now present, an executive council composed of five of the shrewdest men in France. They take their orders from us.