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They are poor, are they not, this Dowager Kirton and Lady Maude?" "Poor as Job. Hard up, I think." "Then they are angling for the broad lands of Hartledon. I see it all. You have been a victim to fortune-hunting." "There you are wrong, Carr. I can't answer for the dowager one way or the other; but Maude is the most disinterested " "Of course: girls on the look-out for establishments always are.

"Hampstead did it with his eyes open. Besides, there is business behind it railways, mines, and all that; and Hampstead's nephew is going to the States fortune-hunting. Do you see?" Lady Lawless lifted her eyebrows. "'To what base uses are we come, Horatio! You invite me to dinner and 'I'll fix things up right. That is the proper phrase, for I have heard you use it. Status for dollars.

Is the judgment of the new generation so infallible," he continued, "that it can afford to dispense with obedience and filial respect altogether? You have had one lesson already, Virginia, but you have failed to profit by it. When that fortune-hunting, idle dandy was whispering his pretty speeches in your ear, was it your own good sense that saved you from a miserable alliance?

"Although my information has not come from inquiry. Miss Natalie was kind enough to talk to me about her affairs, presupposing my interest in them. However, I assure you, I have no personal ambition along this line." "Indeed; not fortune-hunting then?" "Far from it," good humouredly, but keenly aware that he was touching Coolidge.

"When they are, like Allan, willing to die rather than to own their love; willing to suffer everything and anything rather than be suspected of fortune-hunting." "No one could suspect your brother Allan of that." "No one who knows him.

Like other fellows who go hunting, I shall naturally desire to have a few trophies to exhibit as tokens of my prowess; but, beyond those, I shall have no use at all for ivory, skins, horns, and such other matters as we may acquire; therefore you may as well have them as anyone else, especially as you are avowedly out fortune-hunting.

It was nicely lined with leaves, and the fortune-hunting bunny slept very nice and warm there. When the sun was up, shining very brightly, and most beautifully, Uncle Wiggily arose, shook his ears to get the dust out of them, and threw the dried-leaf blankets off him. "Ah, ha! I must be up and doing," he cried. "Perhaps I shall find my fortune to-day."

Perhaps if the clergyman-cure were faithfully tried upon the next fortune-hunting count with a large real estate in whiskers and an imaginary one in Barataria, he also might vanish, leaving a strong smell of barber's-shop, and taking with him a body that will come to the gallows in due time. It were worth trying.

"Ah! Then I suppose she has money?" "I never saw any painful evidence of poverty. But I don't think Mr. Lyon is fortune-hunting. He seems to be after information and goodness." Margaret flushed a little, but apparently Henderson did not notice it. "And was, no doubt, agreeable." "She was, as Mrs. Laflamme says, entertaining. She quoted you a good deal." "Quoted me? For what?"

True, we are strangers, yet I venture we have made a beginning, and if we venture more we may better that beginning. Should I falter, when luck gave me the run of trente et le va but yesterday? Nay, ever follow fortune hard, and she waits for you." "Yes," said Will, scornfully. "You would get the name of gambler, and add to it the name of fortune-hunting, heiress-seeking adventurer."