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Irene smiled. "Don't you, Cousin Jolyon? I think you do." "Of course, I'm a bit of a mongrel not quite a pure Forsyte. I never take the halfpennies off my cheques, I put them on," said Jolyon uneasily. "Well, what does Soames want in place of me now?" "I don't know; perhaps children." She was silent for a little, looking down. "Yes," she murmured; "it's hard.

That she had made a mistake, and did not love him, had tried to love him and could not love him, was obviously no reason. He that could imagine so outlandish a cause for his wife's not getting on with him was certainly no Forsyte. Soames was forced, therefore, to set the blame entirely down to his wife. He had never met a woman so capable of inspiring affection.

Three days later, in that fast-yellowing October, Soames took a taxi-cab to Highgate Cemetery and mounted through its white forest to the Forsyte vault. Close to the cedar, above catacombs and columbaria, tall, ugly, and individual, it looked like an apex of the competitive system. He could remember a discussion wherein Swithin had advocated the addition to its face of the pheasant proper.

And what will you do, pray, without your money?" But secretly, the idea of wresting the house from James and his son had begun to take hold of him. He had heard on Forsyte 'Change much comment, much rather doubtful praise of this house. It was 'too artistic, but a fine place.

"No, Dad," said Jolly, and Holly squeezed his hand. "Yes," repeated Jolyon, "a poor specimen, representing, I'm afraid, nothing but the end of the century, unearned income, amateurism, and individual liberty a different thing from individualism, Jolly. You are the fifth Jolyon Forsyte, old man, and you open the ball of the new century."

A house appealed to any Forsyte, and especially to one who had been an auctioneer. After all he said the distance was nothing. When he was a younger man he had had rooms at Richmond for many years, kept his carriage and pair there, and drove them up and down to business every day of his life. Four-in-hand Forsyte they called him!

Aware that his expression was softening as he looked at her, Soames frowned to preserve the unemotionalism proper to a Forsyte. He knew she was only too inclined to take advantage of his weakness. Slipping her hand under his arm, she said: "Who was that?" "He picked up my handkerchief. We talked about the pictures." "You're not going to buy that, Father?"

'They'd better put a search-light on to where they're all going, he thought, 'and light up their precious democracy! And he directed his steps along the Club fronts of Piccadilly. George Forsyte, of course, would be sitting in the bay window of the Iseeum.

Baynes, too, shrewdly recognized that behind the uncompromising frankness of June's manner there was much of the Forsyte. If the girl had been merely frank and courageous, Mrs. Baynes would have thought her 'cranky, and despised her; if she had been merely a Forsyte, like Francie let us say she would have patronized her from sheer weight of metal; but June, small though she was Mrs.

"So long as she's yours," said Val. "I don't mind that." "That's all right," murmured Monsieur Profond, and moved away. Val watched; he might be "a good devil," but then again he might not. He saw him rejoin George Forsyte, and thereafter saw him no more. He spent those nights after racing at his mother's house in Green Street.