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The weary and all forspent twopenny postman sinks beneath a load of delicate embarrassments, not his own. It is scarcely credible to what an extent this ephemeral courtship is carried on in this loving town, to the great enrichment of porters, and detriment of knockers and bell-wires.

Taj el Mulouk was pleased with his verses and wondered at his eloquence and the excellence of his recitation, saying, 'Indeed thou hast done away from me somewhat of my concern. Then said the Vizier, 'Of a truth there occurred to those of times past what astounds those who hear it. 'If thou canst recall any fine verse of this kind, quoth the prince, 'I prithee let us hear it and keep the talk in vogue. So the Vizier chanted the following verses: Methought thy favours might be bought and thou to give consent To union won by gifts of gold and grace and blandishment: And eke, for ignorance, I deemed thy love an easy thing, Thy love in which the noblest souls for languor are forspent; Until I saw thee choose one out and gratify that one With sweet and subtle favours.

And he goeth his way a great pace, and Messire Gawain also goeth amidst the forest, and full weary is he and forspent with travail. And he rode until the sun was due to set. And he meeteth a knight that was coming athwart the forest and came toward Messire Gawain a great gallop like as he were smitten through the body, and crieth over all the forest: "What is your name, Sir knight?"

Nay, once again I tell you, here be neither saints' days nor vigils; wherefore here I mean to abide; so get you gone in God's name as quickliest you may, or I will cry out that you would fain force me. Messer Ricciardo, seeing himself in ill case and now recognizing his folly in taking a young wife, whenas he was himself forspent, went forth the chamber tristful and woebegone, and bespoke Paganino with many words, that skilled not a jot.

Now lieth he in his halls forspent with grievous age, but other griefs are mine. A son he gave me to bear and nourish, the chief of heroes, and he shot up like a young branch. Like a plant in a very fruitful field I reared him and sent him forth on beaked ships to Ilios to fight against the men of Troy, but never again shall I welcome him back to his home within the house of Peleus.

And they, trusting in the calm, mightily drove the ship forward; and as she sped through the salt sea, not even the storm-footed steeds of Poseidon would have overtaken her. Nevertheless when the sea was stirred by violent blasts which were just rising from the rivers about evening, forspent with toil, they ceased.

So taste of the anguish that knows no relent And be with the rest of the wolven forspent! 'O clement one, replied the wolf, 'speak not with the tongue of despite nor look with its eyes; but fulfil the covenant of fellowship with me, ere the time for action pass away.

Weep not, but fetch me my clothes quickly. When the maid heard her speak, she was in a manner all recomforted and with the husbandman's aid, mounting the ladder, which was now well nigh repaired, reached the sollar, where, whenas she saw her lady lying naked on the ground, all forspent and wan, more as she were a half-burnt log than a human being, she thrust her nails into her own face and fell a-weeping over her, no otherwise than as she had been dead.

Patience far deaf me when from me they fled; * Sleep failed mine eyes, endurance was forspent: They left and with them left my every joy, * Wending with them, nor find I peace that went: They made these eyes roll down love tears in flood, * And lacking them these eyne with tears are drent.

"Into the woods my Master went Clean forspent, forspent; Into the woods my Master came Forspent with love and shame. But the olives they were not blind to Him, The little gray leaves were kind to Him; The thorn-tree had a mind to Him When into the woods He came. "Out of the woods my Master went And He was well content; Out of the woods my Master came Content with death and shame.