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Her heart grew heavy as lead at the thought that this stranger, by whose pillow she was watching, might be the sole survivor in that forsaken palace, and that in a few more hours he, too, would be numbered with the dead, in that dreadful city where Death reigned omnipotent, and where the living seemed but a vanishing minority, pale shadows of living creatures passing silently along one inevitable pathway to the pest-house or pit.

Donna Elvira reminds me of Madame de Cintre; I don't mean in her circumstances, but in the music she sings." "It is a very nice distinction," laughed the marquis lightly. "There is no great possibility, I imagine, of Madame de Cintre being forsaken." "Not much!" said Newman. "But what becomes of the Don?" "The devil comes down or comes up," said Madame de Bellegarde, "and carries him off.

Her absolute purity of purpose, her frankness, honesty and high ideals surpassed anything he had ever dreamed of finding incarnated in woman. He became her sincere lover; and she, the discarded, the forsaken, reciprocated; for it seems that the tendrils of affection, ruthlessly uprooted, cling to the first object that presents itself.

Tell-true came into our parts, and he told it about what Christian had done, that went from the City of Destruction; namely, how he had forsaken his wife and children, and had betaken himself to a pilgrim's life. It was also confidently reported, how he had killed a serpent that did come out to resist him in his journey, and how he got through to whither he intended.

As to the commander-in-chief, he had largely forsaken his licentious courses, partly from reasons of policy, partly because of his sincere attachment to wife and child. Throughout the years of youth and early manhood he had indulged his amorous passions, but until his second marriage not a single woman had been preferred to power, not even Josephine.

He added that many who went there never returned, because they liked that country better than this. They had even forsaken their wives and children; and children had been so enticed and flattered by the finery bestowed upon them there, that they had disowned their parents and adopted others.

"He who forsakes his native land without permission, is worthy of death." "Have you forsaken it with your own free-will?" "Yes." "For what reason?" "To escape dishonor." "What was your crime?" "I had committed none." "You were accused unjustly?" "Yes." "Who was the author of your ill-fortune?" "Yourself." Croesus started from his seat.

"'Right you are, old girl, said I. "She perched on my shoulder and began to oil and arrange her draggled feathers. "'What a hell of a wreck that was! she said suddenly, and, after a pause: 'Where's my nigger? "'He's forsaken you, old girl, said I, 'for Mother Carey's chickens. "'Poor Polly, said she; 'how I pity that poor girl!

With the breaking of the drouth of the summer before there had sprung up all through the encinal and sandy lands an immense crop of weeds, called by the natives margoso, fallow-weed. This plant had thriven all winter, and the cattle had forsaken the best mesquite grazing in the river bottoms to forage on it.

And the call to 'repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, is what we all, who are 'laden with iniquity, and have forsaken the Lord, need, if ever we are to cease to do evil and learn to do well. As with one thunder-clap the prophecy closes, pealing forth the eternal alternative set before every soul of man.