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Engravings have been so multiplied of this painting, that it has become familiar to most eyes. The appearance of our adventurers is thus graphically described by Mr. Peck, in his excellent Life of Daniel Boone. "Their dress was of the description usually worn at that period by all forest-rangers. The outside garment was a hunting shirt, or loose open frock, made of dressed deer-skins.

Then your mother and Jeb will ride back to warn the forest-rangers about the fire," explained Barbara. "Why, no, Bob. Don't you remember, Mike said he would have to tell Polly's father about the drunken men and the fire, first," Eleanor corrected her sister.

"No, this too, is built by our forest-rangers who help the timber jacks build these roads. You see, while frost holds good the heaviest tree trunks can be readily moved over icy swamp bottoms, but in the spring, when thaw and freshets begin, the bottoms are more like a marsh, or shallow lake, than anything else I know of.

"Not as far as Top Notch Trail," replied Eleanor, seeing a possible way for her to get to Polly and Anne. "But some one ought to send Simms on to us and then ride on down trail to signal the forest-rangers' lookout so's they could come and help fight the fire," said another man.

"Can't Bob and I join Polly and Anne in the cave where we will be safe from any fire, and you send Jeb down to signal Simms and the forest-rangers?" asked Eleanor excitedly, seeing how urgent was the need for instant action. "All right; take this young man for protection, and get to the cave as quick as you can. You gals wait in the cave till you-all hear from us again.

Despite the vices and weaknesses of a large proportion of this class, not a few were most useful in the work of exploration and exercised a great influence among the Indians of the West. But for these forest-rangers the Michigan region would have fallen into the possession of the English who were always intriguing with the Iroquois and endeavouring to obtain a share of the fur-trade of the west.