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She spoke so forcibly upon this point, that even those who had the tempting morsel actually at their lips, forbore to bite; those who had bitten laid down their half-eaten prize; and those who had their hands full of chestnuts, rolled them, back again towards the bag, Babet cried with vexation. "I burned my fingers in getting them for you, and now you won't eat them!

I could discover nothing but what was disagreeable in the horrid bumpkin, and thought such an instance of the blindness of parental partiality was hardly credible. I looked down, dreading another direct appeal to my judgment; and Uncle Silas, I suppose, referred those downcast looks to maiden modesty, for he forbore to task mine by any new interrogatory.

Again he forbore question or comment. "Well well! we must look you up, Mrs. Sewell and I. We must come to see your the lady." He found himself falling helplessly into Lemuel's way of describing her. "Just write me your address here," he put a scrap of paper before Lemuel on the davenport, "and I'll go and get you the money."

The stout soldier drew a long breath, whistled in a whisper, closed his eyes, and slept like a top, too. In the morning he sat up and put out his hand to wake Gerard. It lighted on the young man's forehead, and found it quite wet. Denys then in his quality of nurse forbore to wake him. "It is ill to check sleep or sweat in a sick man," said he.

Seeing that I had just discovered the entire principles upon which the half-memory falsely called imagination is based, I felt entitled to laugh, but forbore, for the sake of the tale. "You're right You're the man with imagination. A black-haired chap in a decked ship," I said. "No, an open ship like a big boat." This was maddening.

"Well named!" said Deodonato softly, and he went to the damsel, and he laid his hand, full gently, on her robe, and he said: "Dulcissima, you have the prettiest face in all the Duchy, and I will have no wife but you;" and Duke Deodonato kissed the damsel. The damsel forbore to strike Duke Deodonato, as she had struck Dr. Fusbius.

He could now see her shining hair, the graceful oval of her head, and her white throat eagerly bent forward; an indescribable longing came over him to press a kiss on her head; but he forbore, for he remembered his friend's words that he would fulfil the part of a guardian to these girls. He too would be a protector to her, aye and more than that, he would care for her as a father might.

I see the game; he must have played escort to those infernal women. . . . Somehow I hadn't suspected it, and Lady Caroline kept that cat in the bag when I surprised her at Natchett an hour ago. I wonder why?" Ruth had a shrewd guess; but, fearing violence, forbore to tell it. He went on: "But what puzzles me more is, how I missed meeting him." In truth the explanation was simple enough. Mr.

As a matter of fact, business men are always taking risks, and business is a game of chance, in a certain degree. Have I made myself intelligible?" "Entirely so," said the Altrurian; and he seemed so thoroughly well satisfied that he forbore asking any further question. No one else spoke.

Having paused, however, to let the persons in the gallery pass before she opened her door, her thoughts, in the mean time, recovered from the confusion of sleep, and she understood that the bell was the call of the monks to prayers. It had now ceased, and, all being again still, she forbore to go to St. Aubert's room.