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The hatchet buried itself in his breast, and rolled with him to the bottom of the precipice. Never before had I taken the life of a human creature. On this head I had, indeed, entertained somewhat of religious scruples. These scruples did not forbid me to defend myself, but they made me cautious and reluctant to decide.

It has actually been found necessary to forbid the construction of limekilns nearer than two miles from any ancient ruins, in order to remove the temptation for the filching of stones. In Italy there are stringent laws for the protection of historical and ancient monuments.

But as for availing myself of his forces against Christians, may God forbid that I should ever do such a thing; and blood so old and free from stain as mine, and so Christian a nation as the Portuguese are, would never tolerate it.

He tried to evade it, but she asked again with insistence, and with a faint doubt lurking in her eyes, "If these men are plotting, which God forbid! you know nothing of it? You have great wrongs, but you would take no such dastard way to right them?" Landless's soul writhed within him, but he told the inevitable lie that was none the less a lie that it was also the truth.

Depend upon it they have murdered him, but if so, I will have vengeance, such vengeance I will challenge the villain Edric to single combat." "The Church would forbid it." "Do you then sympathise with the hypocrite?" "Alas, my son! who can read the heart of man? I know not what to think." "But you could read the history of the last campaign.

She obtained, the rest were allowed to escape, but as the Lord de Valence loves Helen, I cannot doubt he will have sufficient honor not to insult the fame of her family, and so will make her his wife." "God forbid!" ejaculated Mar, holding up his trembling hands; "God forbid that my blood should ever mingle with that of any one of the people who have wrought such woe to Scotland!

Clarke's cases, "chiefly clinical," an experience of teaching extending over forty years would forbid me to believe. As a woman, I have heard the smothered cry of woe as pitiful, of suffering as great, from those who prayed for death as a relief though it was not from suffering of the body as any that Dr. Clarke describes.

But who knows what may be her machinations, or Isabel's sense of obedience? 'Does she forbid it? 'No. She went to speak to Isabel. I fancy she found it unwise to test her power too far; so she came down and palavered me, assured me that I was personally all that heart could wish she loved her dear child the better for valuing solid merit. Faugh! how could I stand such gammon?

"You-you have always been good to me," she answered. "I have never deserved it I have never understood it. If it is any satisfaction for you to know that what I have saved of myself I owe to you, I tell you so freely." "That," he said, "is something for which God forbid that I should take credit.

If by any chance which God forbid we should become separated from one another, keep the locket on your neck, and our names in your memory until we meet again; for if such a thing should happen, do not doubt that I should find you, though I had to swim the sea to do it! For you, my Jan, I have no locket, but you are a man, a brave man, now!