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"Fido," she says to her spaniel, "you have almost crushed my poor foot;" or, "Frank," to her husband, "bring me a footstool:" or, "I suffer so from cold in the feet," and so forth; but be the conversation what it will, she is always sure to put HER FOOT into it.

When Lady Randolph was in the carriage with her maid by her side, and her hot-water footstool under her feet, and the coachman waiting his signal to drive away, she put out her hand amid her furs to Lucy. "Now remember!" Lady Randolph said. It was almost as solemn as the mysterious reminder of the dying king to the bishop.

Will you bet she has no thighs?" He stopped, for Fauchery touched him briskly on the arm and showed him Estelle, sitting close to them on her footstool. They had raised their voices without noticing her, and she must have overheard them.

So the Mystic felt for the footstool, over which he had just stubbed his toes, and used the corner of it to smash the glass. "Ah," said the Asthmatic, with a long sigh of relief, "I am better. There is nothing like fresh air." Then they all went to sleep again. The morning roused them slowly, and they lay on their backs looking around the room. The windows were closed and the shades drawn.

One day a younger sister of mine brought him a footstool as he sat reading, and in offering it to him called it a "buffet." It is not a word in common use, but I think we had adopted it from the nursery rhyme about "Miss Muffett, who sat on a buffet." The Professor was on the alert at once. "That word is quite new to me," he said.

President;" he fell to the earth with a sort of reel, "Like shooting stars he fell to rise no more!" His body became a capital footstool for the luxurious Pepper.

I thought, for its own sake, it would never have become the dear and sacred volume they regarded it, but I am mistaken; how often has it soothed me in my hour of temptation, guided me in my duties, restrained my angry moments, and brought me penitent and humble to the footstool of my God.

Oh! for the former days when thou, O House of God, wert made His footstool, the days when in ceaseless strains the melody of the All-Merciful poured forth from thee! What hath become of thy jewel whose glory hath irradiated all creation?

I wonder if Mr. Jefferson was ever called plain Tom. "N.B. Give my love to the little girls at Uplands. The Major read the letter aloud to his wife while she sat knitting by the fireside, with Mitty holding the ball of yarn on a footstool at her feet. "What do you think of that, Molly?" he asked when he had finished, his voice quivering with excitement.

No sound but the clock, and Vick's heavy breathing, as she peacefully snores on the footstool. I cannot bear the suspense. Again I lift my eyes, and look at him. Yes, I am right! the intense anxiety the overpowering emotion on his face tell me that I have touched the right string. "Are there are there are you aware that there are any tales that she could tell of you?" Again I laugh harshly.