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Oh, my dear sir, printing bills are destruction itself. Ours so far amount to let me see 10; 52; 22; 13; and then there's 11; 14; 33 well, never mind the details, the total in clean numbers foots up $118,254.42 thus far!" "What!" "Oh, yes indeed. Printing's no bagatelle, I can tell you.

Oh, my dear sir, printing bills are destruction itself. Ours so far amount to let me see 10; 52; 22; 13; and then there's 11; 14; 33 well, never mind the details, the total in clean numbers foots up $118,254.42 thus far!" "What!" "Oh, yes indeed. Printing's no bagatelle, I can tell you.

When they reached the town of Pomona, they left him at the post-office, where he said Joe Gates was always to be found. Another five miles brought the Blossoms to Brookside Farm. "There's Foots!" shouted Twaddles, standing up on the seat and waving to Aunt Polly, who came flying down the drive. "And Linda!" cried Meg. "And Jud! And Peter Apgar!" shrieked Bobby.

Providentially, the poor little wretch had not for an instant put her stupid head under the bed, or used her eyes in the search that was all that saved them from instant massacre! "Here dey is, Caterpillar! I knows how yer foots mus' be as much out of breaf wid yer tight gaiters as your waist is long of yer tight dress."

Wen we uster wash quilts we uster cyt a nikasses varrek ubter eb dat made de tub deb my Mammy would put water in dese tubs den soft soap de quilts den us chilluns would git in de tubs in our Bare foots en tromp de dirt out." "We uster use grease lamps, dese war made outer iron, wid a piece of cotton rope down in de grease on dis jes send out a puny smelly light.

I'd have kept them, and shared them one apiece and every now and then we could have changed foots. It would have been better then, wouldn't it?" "I don't know, Punch. Don't think about it. Let's go on till we get to the first spring, and then rest and bathe our feet." "All right."

An' li'l' black Mose he tuck one look ober he shoulder, an' he shut he eyes so tight dey hurt round de aidges, an' he pick' up he foots an' run. Yas, sah, he run' right peart fast. An' he say': "Dey ain't no ghosts. Dey ain't no ghosts." An' he run' erlong de paff whut lead' by de buryin'-ground on de hill, 'ca'se dey ain't no fince eround dat buryin'-ground at all.

What do they say about the river below here at the big cañon?" "Says bad water," said Moise. "She'll rose perhaps four, three, two inches to-day, maybe so, here, and that's all same so many foots in the cañon. She'll say best way to do is to take portage trail and leave those boat on west end of those cañon."

When you see me standing on Pole Star you must stand on your two foots on G'eased Lightning, and when we fly faster and faster you must still keep looking at me, and when I jump through the wings you must do the same, and then, Orion, then, why, it will be over. Now, bend down; I'm going to whisper something to you." Orion bent his ear with deep interest.

As the water shoaled to four feet, his brow contracted and his motions were quickened; when it became three feet, he hurled the lead into the water, as the gambler dashes down his last dice; and at last, as we grazed on the tail of a hank, it was almost with a shriek that he yelled out, 'Doo foots! But our hour had not yet come; and as the water deepened to beyond the four yards that formed the extent of his line, he assumed his former dignified ease, and leisurely made known that there was 'No bot-t-a-a-m! an announcement which, although gratifying in one respect, was yet somewhat startling.