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But fools are God's peculiar care, arid one of his protective methods is the stupidity of other fools. By daybreak our last man and last wagon had passed the fateful spot unchallenged, and our first were entering Franklin, ten miles away.

Marco was only a boy. They did not know how fiercely they were pressing upon him and keeping away the very air. "Don't kill him! Don't kill him!" yelled The Rat, struggling forward. "Stand back, you fools! I'm his aide-de-camp! Let me pass!" And though no one understood his English, one or two suddenly remembered they had seen him enter with the priest and so gave way.

"Well, then, understand!" said the Senator, carried far by his indignation. "You know how I made my fortune!" "I do!" "Was I not justified in buying in all the public timber-lands at the going price?" "Yes, seeing that the people of the state were fools enough to stay asleep and let lands go for a dollar or so an acre lands to-day worth thousands of dollars an acre for the timber on 'em!"

But she has the gift of a clever tongue, and every one has not the like talent; and also if a woman with the decency of her sex may be a scholar, Arenta has learning enough to compass the fools who might injure her." "Marat and Robespierre are both against her husband, and she may share his fate." "Marat and Robespierre!" she cried. "Both of the creatures have a devil.

She brushed back her jet-black hair; she tidied her little blouse as well as she could, and even tied a crimson ribbon on one side of her hair; and then, feeling that she looked at least a little bewitching, and that Ardshiel mattered nothing at all to her, and that if her sisters chose to be fools well, let them be fools, she flew down to her father's study.

No one comes or stays in the government offices but idlers, incapables, or fools. Thus the mediocrity of French administration has slowly come about.

We were fools not to have known it." "Impossible!" Harry asserted; but I agreed with Desiree; and though I could see no opening or crevice of any sort in the walls or ceiling, I was convinced that even then the eyes of the Incas were upon us. Our situation was indeed desperate.

"Well, my dear uncle, whatever is arranged, I hope you and my cousins will honor and gratify me with your presence throughout the proceedings." "Well, well, it is not much in my way. You will be having balls and fine ladies. There is no fool like an old fool, they say; but I think, from what I hear, the young fools will beat us in the present day.

No, we put a value on keepin' up good feeling between us and you, Mr. Donnegan. We ain't fools. We know a man when we see him and the fastest gunman that ever slid a gun out of leather ain't the sort of a man that me and the rest of the boys pass over lightly. Not us! We know you, Mr. Donnegan; we respect you; we want you with us; we're going to have you with us." "You flatter me and I thank you.

Doubtless there are superior persons who never craved for fame even in their callow youth, and possibly Ouida herself may have taken to authorship as an elaborate means of diverting attention from herself. But the majority of mortals, being fools by edict of Puck and Carlyle, are pleased to fly through the lips of men.