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I don't know much about machinery in general, but I do know something about the plans, and from what I can judge by the plans, if any workman was fool-hardy enough to enter the room with Hawkins' loom in action, that intricate bit of mechanism would reach out for him, drag him in, macerate him, and weave him into the cloth, all in about thirty seconds.

"Oh, as to that," said Berrington, "I have heard of one man who descended to thirty-four fathom, at which depth he must have sustained a pressure of 88 and a half pounds on every square inch of his body and he came up alive, but his case is an exception. It was fool-hardy, and he could do no effective work at such a depth.

Charley, you are so fool-hardy," drawled out Stephen; "I, for my part, don't see any fun in trifling with such serious matters." Charley Blount burst out into a hearty fit of laughter. "Why, Stephen, I thought from what I have heard, that you were more of a man than to believe in such nonsense," he exclaimed. "What is it that you have heard that makes you think so?" asked Stephen.

I could scarcely believe that, acquainted as the King was with the plots which the Catholics were daily aiming at his life; and possessing such powerful enemies among the great Protestants as Tremonelle and Bouillon to say nothing of Mademoiselle d'Entragues' half-brother, the Count of Auvergne, who hated him I say, I could hardly believe that with full knowledge of these facts his Majesty had been so fool-hardy as to travel without guards to Fontainebleau.

"Alick," said the father, "after all the notices we have got, and considering the feeling that is against us, it is ridiculous to be fool-hardy don't go by the road but cross the fields." "Such is my intention, sir," replied Alick; "for although no coward, still I am but flesh and blood, and it is death you know, for mere flesh and blood to stop a bullet.

"Respect this flag of truce, and listen!" rejoined Girty; and waving it from side to side as he spoke, he again proceeded: "Courage can do much in war, and is in all cases a noble trait, which I for one do ever respect; but there may be circumstances where manly courage can avail nothing, and where to practice it only becomes fool-hardy, and is sure to draw down certain destruction on the actor or actors.

And now the bonfire burned brighter, lighting up the scene the shambling stores around the jail on the public square, the better citizens making appeals in vain for law and order, the shouting, fool-hardy mob, waiting for Richard Travis to say the word, and he sitting among them pale, and terribly silent with something in his face they had never seen there before. Nor would he give the command.

"But what is to come?" asked Louis, who still had a fear that the captain would resort to some fool-hardy expedient. "You know just as much about this affair as I do, Louis, and you may be a better prophet than I am. It is not a question of navigation just now, or I should be willing to take the entire responsibility.

You persistently talked to me when you didn't know me you're doing it now for that matter! and you began by telling me that I was fool-hardy, not really courageous in the decent sense of the word, and that I was a self-conscious stick and a horribly inhuman and unnatural object generally and all because I wouldn't flirt with you " His quick laughter interrupted her.

It was a long, hard climb and more than once while I clung to the chance projections or dug my fingers into small cracks and looked down upon the backs of some golden eagle sailing in spirals below me, I regretted making the fool-hardy attempt, but when the top was reached and I saw signs of sheep and had a peep at a white object I took to be a goat, I felt repaid for my arduous climb.