United States or San Marino ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His face was mild and grave as at our first meeting. At the sound of my footsteps he picked up his Virgil and motioned me to be seated. "Let me see," he began: "liquidi fontes, was it not?" and forthwith began to dictate at his accustomed pace. "But seek a green-moss'd pool, with well-spring nigh, And through the grass a streamlet fleeting by.

We left Corbie early in the morning of the 28th for Mericourt where we entrained for Berguette, reaching our destination the following morning, whence we marched to our billeting area in Bourecq, just south of our old billeting ground at Fontes. Here we stayed till 2nd October when we moved by the light railway to "what was Locon." Two days later we were at Herlies.

A spark seems to have fallen suddenly upon it, that has set it all on fire. Oh, how often do I remember, when in this state, those words of David: "Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum"! They seem to me to be literally true of myself.

Johnson, who reminds us also of a saying of Aristotle himself, that as students we ought first to examine and understand what has been written by the ancients, and then cast our eyes round upon the world. And Johnson prefaces both quotations by another: Tibi res antiquae laudis et artis ingredior, sanctos ausus recludere fontes.

At liquidi fontes et stagna virentia musco Adsint, et tenuis fugiens per gramina rivus " And shall be surrounded with beds of violets and lavender and such blue flowers as bees especially love. When, Narcissus, I glance over the hedge at the back of the house and behold Captain Runacles' two acres lying waste, cumbered like a mining country with the ruins of his mechanical toys, I have a mind to "

Fama est perpetuos illinc se erumpere fontes, Florigerum Ladona, et lubrica vitra Selemni, Crathidaque, imbriferamque Lycaeis vallibus Hagno, Et gelidam Panopin et Peirenen lacrymosam, Illinc et rapido amnes fluere et mare magnum.

We read in the classics of the Colchian and Milesian fleeces, of the soft wools of Italy, and of the transfer of sheep from Italy to Bastica, in Spain. Italy and Spain were both adapted to sheep husbandry. Virgil writes, "Hic gelidi fontes, hie mollia prata, Lycori"; while Spain, with her alternations of hill and dale and her varying climate, was eminently fitted for the pasturage of sheep.

For the 'Segnatura, which took place on certain days of the week, he selected on each occasion some new shady retreat 'novos in convallibus fontes et novas inveniens umbras, quae dubiam facerent electionem. At such times the dogs would perhaps start a great stag from his lair, who, after defending himself a while with hoofs and antlers, would fly at last up the mountain.