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On the Starboard side going up, we proceeded still up the River some four Leagues, and return'd, taking a View of the Land on both sides, and then judg'd ourselves to be from our Ship some 18 Leagues W. and by N. One League below this Place, came four Indians in a Canoe to us, and sold us several Baskets of Acorns, which we satisfy'd them for, and so left them; but one of them follow'd us on the Shoar some two or three Miles, till he came on the Top of a high Bank, facing on the River; and as we row'd underneath it, the Fellow shot an Arrow at us, which very narrowly miss'd one of our Men, and stuck in the upper edge of the Boat; but broke in pieces, leaving the Head behind.

Chaucer follow'd Nature everywhere, but was never so bold to go beyond her, and there is a great difference of being poeta and aimis poeta, if we may believe Catullus, as much as betwixt a modest behavior and affectation.

Leonora stay'd not to make him any other reply, only tipp'd him upon the Arm, and bid him follow her at a convenient distance to avoid Observation. Whoever had seen the Joy that was in Hippolito's Countenance, and the Sprightliness with which he follow'd his Beautiful Conductress, would scarce have taken him for a Person griev'd with uncured Wounds.

Three years has the girl been able to live very heartily under her disease; and I'll be bound she'll stay on earth three years longer." And as he concluded this wicked and most brutal reply, the speaker open'd the door and went into the bar-room. But in his intoxication, during the hour that follow'd, Mike was far from being at ease.

That spirit who watches over the sanctities of love is a strong angel is a jealous angel; and this angel it was 'That lov'd the bird, that lov'd the man, That shot him with his bow. He it was that followed the cruel archer into silent and slumbering seas; 'Nine fathom deep he had follow'd him Through the realms of mist and snow.

There follow'd an oath or two growl'd out, a short scrimmage, and at last, above the splash of the retreating boat, came the tramp of heavy feet on the road below. So fired was I at the sound of Delia's voice, that 'twas with much ado I kept quiet behind the bush. Yet I had wit enough left to look to the priming of my pistol, and also to bid the Captain shout again.

And I wish his Example were follow'd here, that the shameful Indignities put upon Persons of the Highest Descent by those of the Meanest, wou'd stir up some excellent Spirit of that Eminent Rank, to shew them how much beneath them it was, to stoop so low to be thus coarsly entertained: And that it betray'd a want of Honour as well as Religion, tamely to see themselves as well as their Maker abused, and to seem pleased with that in a Croud, which said or done before them any where else, they wou'd be obliged to resent as the highest Affront.

Oh, there's my Grief Since you must be another's. Dia. Pray hear me out; and if you love me after, Perhaps you may not think your self unhappy. When Night was come, the long'd for Night, and all Retir'd to give us silent Room for Joy Cel. Oh, I can hear no more by Heav'n, I cannot. Here stab me to the Heart let out my Life, I cannot live, and hear what follow'd next. Dia. Pray hear me, Sir Cel.

A twist of gold was round her hair; a robe Of samite without price, that more exprest Than hid her, clung about her lissome limbs, In colour like the satin-shining palm On sallows in the windy gleams of March: And while she kiss'd them, crying, 'Trample me, Dear feet, that I have follow'd thro' the world, And I will pay you worship; tread me down And I will kiss you for it'; he was mute: So dark a forethought roll'd about his brain, As on a dull day in an Ocean cave The blind wave feeling round his long sea-hall In silence."

A dreadful Peal of Thunder follow'd; the Sea began to run high, the Wind minutely encreas'd, and dark Clouds intercepted the Day; so that we had little more Light, than what the terrifying flashes of Lightning afforded us.