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"So I hear," returned Wunpost with a grim twinkle in his eye, "what do you think of my system now?" "Why, what system?" asked Billy, staring blankly into his face, and Wunpost pulled down his lip. Was it possible that this fly-away had taken his words so lightly that she had forgotten his exposition and prophecy? Did she think that this road had come there by accident and not by deep-laid design?

But, hurrah! there's the fire we saw burning, so there must be a human being there; an' Cape Fly-away contains no living sowl except, maybe, the Flyin' Dutchman, afther he got tired of cruising about in his ould craft, an' taken to livin' on shore." Similar ideas, although expressed in different language, were uttered by many of the other men.

Dave was as steady and solid as she was fickle and fly-away, and in some way Dave, who never doubted anybody, doubted her. It was the jealousy of his love, perhaps, and maybe it was the message ticked off from her soul to his; but at any rate Dave was worried by fear of her inconstancy. He was afraid to trust her till the next year, he had so to trust her, and he was pretty well beside himself.

Meantime while they were slowly admitting the identity of their friend and correspondent, honest John Cornelius Ryp himself arrived no fantastic fly-away Hollander, but in full flesh and blood, laden with provisions, and greeting them heartily.

She walked over to the wardrobe, pinned Berta's hat securely on the fly-away hair, caught up her jacket, tucked the tickets into her own pocket, and sternly marched her scatter-brained friend out of the room and down the corridor. "It's gone to her head," she muttered sadly as if communing with herself, "the idea of music has gone to her head. I must address her soothingly.

"Mrs. Grosvenor Green!" said Mrs. March. "Which of the ten thousand flats is it, Basil?" "The gimcrackery," he answered. "In the Xenophon, you know." "Well, she may save herself the trouble. I shall not see her. Or yes I must. I couldn't go away without seeing what sort of creature could have planned that fly-away flat. She must be a perfect " "Parachute," March suggested.

One more endeavor, brave Onwee, and in he goes; for having now reached the arch of heaven, the fly-away lodge could go no higher. Onwee entered the lodge with a fearless step, and he beheld the two wicked sisters sitting opposite each other. He asked their names. The one on his left hand called herself Azhabee, and the one on the right, Negahnabee.

"And you think it questionable whether it be a sail at all?" he continued. "He'm sartain nothing but a fly-away," returned the obstinate black. "You hear what your friend the negro says, master Fid; he thinks that yonder object, which is lifting so fast to leeward, is not a sail."

"Yes, for even I know them a little bit," said Dodo, "but not by their right name, for when I saw some in the Park last summer somebody said they were wild Canaries that had flown out of cages." "What do they eat, cones or little seeds?" asked Nat. "They eat grass-seeds, and the seeds of weeds the most fly-away weeds too, that blow everywhere and spread ever so fast," said Rap. "Look, quick!

There was a certain grotesqueness communicated to the face by large, thin, fly-away whiskers of the kind that used to be known as "weepers" or "Dundrearies." He had then just dawned upon the world as a celebrity. I had myself as an under-graduate read and re-read and revelled in John Inglesant, and I was intensely curious to see him and worship him. But he was not a very worshipful man.