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And on the particular morning which saw Scrabblegrab the only worker at Blugsey's, the remaining miners were assembled in solemn conclave at Stumpy Fluke's saloon, to determine what was to be done with the detested man.

It is my own fault, I suppose, that I do not sleep so soundly as I used to do, and do not care much about my food." The next day, although without any preconcerted arrangement, Captain Aggett called at Mr Fluke's office, and desired to see him on private business. The captain had been a regular customer for many years, and Mr Fluke held him in great respect.

"We've got a big catboat, but she's on the stocks gettin' a new stern post put in. You can see her mast stickin' up over the bluff, there. I don't think there's any other sailboat in the place jes' now, and Captain Fluke's havin' his fresh painted. I told him it was a bad time o' the year to do it in; but he's Captain Fluke, and that's all there's to say about it.

He did not hesitate for a moment about acting as the captain's clerk while he remained on board, but he asked himself the question whether it was not his duty, should he find the opportunity, to return to Mr Fluke's counting-house, from which he had not been formally dismissed. He had come only for a holiday to regain his health, and he considered that he was bound to go back again.

Owen described his interview with Simon Fluke. "Not very promising," observed John; "I suspect that Simon Fluke's heart is very like what David thought it might be, hard as a rock, or he would have shown more interest in you when he heard that you were Susan Fluke's grandson. However, we will do as he asks, and send for the book, and in the meantime you and I'll go and see this big city of London.

"Send him up at once, and let him present himself at Simon Fluke's say who he is, that his parents are dead, and that he wishes for employment. Do not let him appear like a beggar asking for alms; he will succeed best by exhibiting an independent spirit, and showing that he is ready to do any work which is given to him.

Straightening up, she burst out: "Mister, if ye're goin' to have me pinched for stealin', do it quick before my brother knows about it, and I'd ruther go to prison in Fluke's pants please!" Still the master of the house did not speak. Flea was filled with suspicion, and thought she divined the cause of his quietness and smile.

Owen ushered John into the office, feeling almost at home there already. In a short time Owen and John were summoned into Mr Fluke's room. John was not prepossessed by that worthy's manner. "You are John Rowe, I understand," he began.

A single glass of ale was placed by Mr Fluke's side. Owen declined taking any, for he had never drank anything stronger than water. "Very right and wise, boy," observed his host in an approving tone. "You are the better without what you don't require.

From Mr Fluke's manner, John saw that it was time to take his departure, and Owen followed him to the door. John had to return with Owen's box of clothes, but there probably would not then be time for any conversation. Owen sent many grateful messages to Fenside Farm.