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From the ashes of this volcano which I had believed to be extinct, a flower had suddenly blossomed, perfumed with the most fragrant of odors and decked with the most charming colors.

The stationmaster who got first prize was five miles from a supply, and his exhibit was one, almost dead flower, in a pot of dried earth; so that "system" was shelved. We walked round the village after tea and came to the above conclusions, that may possibly be useful to some brother artist.

Alas and alas! she was too late for this. David suddenly pushed his little companion a couple of feet away from him, and to all appearance vanished into the solid ground. Fly, crying bitterly, began to run to meet Flower. Flower held out her arms as the little girl approached. "What is it, Firefly? Tell me, has David confessed?" "Oh, what do you know about it, Flower?

"And didn't she ride beautifully. I wish I could ride like that. And what a pretty name, Mademoiselle Mignon! It must be very nice to belong to a circus, I think." "I'm afraid that Mademoiselle Mignon does not always find it so nice," remarked Miss Flower. "O Aunty, what makes you say so? She looks as if she were perfectly happy!

As we come to this matter of language, we come a step nearer to the intimate realities of our subject we come to the mental plant that is to bear the flower and the ripe fruit of the individual life.

I remember that I spent several hours gathering in squashes and covering up potatoes; and when I returned to the house at 3 p. M. every leaf on the trees and every flower in the garden was frozen stiff, pointing straight out to the southeast. It was the only time I ever saw a frozen flower garden in full bloom.

That fact bloomed for him, in the firelight and lamplight that glowed their welcome through the London fog, as the flower of her difference; just as her difference itself part of which was her striking him as older in a degree for which no mere couple of months could account was the fruit of their intimate relation.

Wines and viands still left on the table; gilded mirrors, reflecting the stern face of the solitary intruder; here and there an artificial flower, a knot of riband on the floor, all betokening the gaieties and graces of luxurious life the dance, the revel, the feast all this in one apartment! above, in the same house, the pallet the corpse the widow famine and woe!

Day after day and week after week went on. The people grew almost heart-sick with anxiety; for the flower of the country was at peril in this adventurous expedition. It was now daybreak on the morning of the 3d of July. But hark! what sound is this? The hurried clang of a bell!

The young man laughed, but the slight whimsical frown between his brows deepened. "Now that isn't at all what I expected you to say. I thought you might be kind enough to inquire, 'What flower? and then I could reply, 'The queen of flowers." Rose looked down a moment at the warm pink hands restlessly twining and intertwining in her lap. "I am glad I did not make the inquiry," she said.