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But when he went away she knew that Abel Newt was appointed first flirter, vice Sligo Moultrie removed. "On the 23d instant, Alfred Dinks, Esq., of Boston, to Fanny, oldest daughter of Boniface Newt, Esq., of this city." Fanny wrote the notice with her own hands, and made Alfred take it to the papers. In this manner she was before her mother-in-law in spreading the news.

"I am despising you for a coward and a flirter," said Maria Angelina in a low but exceedingly penetrative voice, and so intense was her command of the situation that neither man found humor, then, in the misused word. "You make love to girls when you mean nothing by it you get them lost in the woods and then refuse the marriage that any gentleman, even an indifferent gentleman, would offer!

Sligo Moultrie as first flirter in her corps, when a face she remembered looked up at the window from the street, more dangerous even than when she had seen it in the spring. It was the face of Abel Newt, who raised his hat and bowed to her with an admiration which he concealed that he took care to show. The next moment he was in the room, perfectly comme il faut, sparkling, resistless.

It may seem a little thing, but little things weigh with young ladies in their seventeenth year, and this dream turned the scale. Mollie thought about it a great deal that morning as she made her toilet. "I wonder if he is so very handsome? I like handsome men," mused Mollie. "He told me he was, and I know he must be, if he ever was a flirter of mine. Mr.

Meanwhile she shook her young braids at Johnny Byrd. "But you are so sudden! I think he is a flirter, yes?" she said gayly to Mr. Blair who smiled back appreciatively and a trifle protectively at her. But Bobby Martin drawled, "Oh, no, he's not. He's too careful," and more laughter ensued.