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The skua executed his wonderful dive, and caught the gleaming silver thing before it reached the waves, and shooting up again, was just about to continue his course, when a constant and peculiar flickering above the beach caught his telescopic eye. He checked, flung up, came round beautifully effortless, and headed towards the sight.

Washington believes he brought him the news of Clinton's route of march, and will never know otherwise." She arose to her feet, standing straight and slender before me, the flickering light of the candle on her face. "Major Lawrence," she began, "I wish to get out of here it seems like a grave to me, but I must speak first.

He pointed to westward. There, far off along the forest-lane of Fourteenth Street, a sudden gleam of light flashed out among the trees, vanished, reappeared, was joined by two, ten, a hundred others. And now the whole approach to Madison Forest, by several streets, began to sparkle with these feux-follets, weaving and flickering unsteadily toward the square.

There is no isolation so weird in its feeling of cut-offness as that of a night camp in the heart of the bush. The flickering camp-fires draw all that is human and tangible into its charmed circle, and without, all is undefinable darkness and uncertainty.

The fire had already done its duty, and was now merely smouldering, throwing a faint, flickering light on the dark, fierce features of the group that was clustered round.

Apparently, after dumping them through, it had closed as hermetically as before. The flickering light of the matches from Jack's store illuminated looks of despair on their faces as they realized that they were trapped. "Try pounding on it and shouting," suggested Ralph.

An alleged searchlight has been seen flickering on the skies at night, and M , the British Minister, has in a burst of optimism declared that it is the relief under S signalling to us. Yet there are men who know exactly what it is the opening of the doors of a blast-furnace in the Chinese city, which sends up a ruddy light in certain weather.

I wriggled and struggled with the cumbersome burden that had been strangling the flickering life in me. Every effort, every turn was a new pain, but all my hope was in getting free. At last, I got from under him and staggered to my knees. I was a very babe for weakness then. I clutched at the tree-trunk for support and raised myself to my feet.

The Finn, the red cap, the lady with the white teeth, the smell of roast meat, the flickering blurs, filled his consciousness, and by now he did not know where he was and did not hear the agitated voices. When he recovered consciousness he found himself in bed, undressed, saw a bottle of water and Pavel, but it was no cooler, nor softer, nor more comfortable for that.

In one instant Carmen's quick, deft hands had stripped the slender little body; and while Mateo and Feliu were finding dry clothing and stimulants, and Miguel telling how it all happened quickly, passionately, with furious gesture, the kind and vigorous woman exerted all her skill to revive the flickering life.