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I tauld your honour I was fleyed wi' a bogle that night, but ye wadna listen to me I aye thought there was witchcraft and deevilry amang the Papishers, but I ne'er saw't wi' bodily een till that awfu' night." "Get along, sir," said I, "and bring the fellows you talk of; and see they have more sense than yourself, and are not frightened at their own shadow."

'I thank God, he answered, 'I am nocht fleyed nor feible-spirited in the cause and message of Christ.

An' then she was unco fleyed when she found I didna haud wi' the Athanasian creed. An' I tauld her, na; if He that died on cross was sic a ane as she and I teuk him to be, there was na that pride nor spite in him, be sure, to send a puir auld sinful, guideless body to eternal fire, because he didna a'thegither understand the honour due to his name." "Who was this lady?"

I'll tell ye what, my bairn, there's na salvation for the workmen, while they defile themselves this fashion, wi' a' the very idols o' their ain tyrants wi' salvation by act o' parliament irresponsible rights o' property anonymous Balaamry fechtin' that canny auld farrant fiend, Mammon, wi' his ain weapons and then a' fleyed, because they get well beaten for their pains.

I hae naething mair upo' my conscience nor I can bide i' the deidest o' the nicht." "Then you think ghosts come of a bad conscience? A kind of moral delirium tremens eh?" "I dinna ken, my lord; but that's the only kin' o' ghaist I wad be fleyed at at least 'at I wad rin frae. I wad a heap raither hae a ghaist i' my hoose nor ane far'er benn.

Its obscurity is its dread; but if God be light, then death itself must be full of splendour a splendour probably too keen for our eyes to receive." "But there's the deein' itsel': isna that fearsome? It's that I wad be fleyed at." "I don't see why it should be.

At last, one of them, regarding him with a formidable countenance, inquired if he were not frightened? 'I'm no' very easy fleyed, replied the captain. And the rooks withdrew after some easier pigeon.

He wasnae easy fleyed, an' gaed straucht up to the wa's; an' what suld he find there but a man, or the appearance of a man, sittin' in the inside upon a grave. He was of a great stature, an' black as hell, and his e'en were singular to see. Mr. Soulis had heard tell o' black men, mony's the time; but there was something unco about this black man that daunted him.

At last, one of them, regarding him with a formidable countenance, inquired if he were not frightened? "I'm no' very easy fleyed," replied the captain. And the rooks withdrew after some easier pigeon.

Aw'm sartin sure ov him when aw see him. Aw'll not goo nigh him till somebory cooms cep' he roons away. Aw'm noan fleyed ov him, but aw met not be able to keep mo howd ov him. Oh, mo Mattie! mo Mattie! to leave thi owd faither for sich a mak ov a mon as yon! But yere cooms somebory moor. Enter MRS. CLIFFORD. Mrs. C. No one here? She can never be in his room with him! Mr. Waterfield!