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"That's the worst of such men as Farrant," he used to say. "They begin by rushing to one extreme, and end by rushing to the other. Such a want of steady conservative balance! He's a good man; but, poor fellow, he'll never be like other people, never!" Mrs. Ward was almost inclined to think that he had been less obnoxious in the old times.

At the top was a medallion, the profile of the same fine, soldierly looking man whose portrait hung in Donovan's study, and which was so wonderfully like both himself and little Ralph. Beneath was the following inscription: "In loving Memory of RALPH FARRANT, Who died at Porthkerran, Cornwall, May 3, 18 , Aged 45

"It seems that he must see that patient at Genoa again, and he wants to get a clear fortnight in Switzerland." "Is it nor rather early for Switzerland?" "I should have thought so, but he knows more about it than I do. He has written to try to persuade your friend, Mr. Farrant, to join him in the Whitsuntide recess." "Oh, I am glad of that," said Erica, greatly relieved.

Donovan Farrant, and at once felt convinced that he was the "Donovan" whom both Charles Osmond and Brian had mentioned to her. She seemed to know a good deal about him. Probably they had never told her his surname because they knew that some day he would be a public character.

However, he began to realize that, before Erica could become a patient recipient of his opinions, like his wife and daughter, he must root out the false ideas which evidently still clung to her. "Mr. Farrant is no doubt a reformed character now," he admitted. "But he is far from orthodox; far from orthodox!

Fane-Smith looked very uncomfortable, fearing that her niece might feel hurt at the tone in which "He was an atheist," had been spoken; and indeed Erica's color did rise. "Is that Mr. Farrant the member?" she asked. "Yes," replied her aunt, apprehensively. "Do you know him?"

You are not to think, little one, that I have not known what your wishes have been for me. You, and Brian, and Osmond, and of late that noble fellow Farrant, have often made me see that Christianity need not necessarily warp the intellect and cripple the life. I believe that for you, and such as you, the system is not rooted in selfishness.

Were they not probably as susceptible to pain and pleasure, to comfort and discomfort, to rudeness and civility? He regretted very much that he had not broken the miserably uncomfortable silence at dinner. Donovan Farrant and his wife were already far from Greyshot, driving along the quiet country road to Oakdene Manor. "A lovely girl," Mrs. Farrant was saying. "I should like to know her better.

Are you coming to Oakdene with me?" "Did you mean now at once today?" "If you will." "Oh, I should so like to!" she cried. "But will Mrs. Farrant be expecting me?" "She will be hoping for you, and that is better." Erica was noted for the speed with which she could pack a portmanteau, and it could not have been more than ten minutes before she was ready. Mrs.

In sorrow the pledge was given, and in joy performed. Her life became wrapt up in her son's life; and it was her morning and her evening prayer that she might live to see her "dear Thamas a shining light in the kirk." Often she declared that he was an "auld farrant bairn, and could ask a blessing like ony minister." Our wishes and affections, however, often blind our judgment.